Irish National Digital Experience Survey launched to empower students and staff to shape their future

Oct 15 2019 Posted: 10:12 IST

The Irish National Digital Experience (INDEx) survey was launched today (Monday, 14 October) by the Minister for Higher Education, Mary Mitchell O’Connor TD. The survey is open to all NUI Galway students on taught programmes (undergraduate or postgraduate), who are aged 18 or over. Lecturers and other staff who teach are also being surveyed.

Students and staff in Irish higher education institutions are being asked about how they use digital technologies in their learning or in their teaching.

Each institution will be able to identify the particular needs of its own students and staff and get opinions on what to prioritise for the future. It will also give a detailed picture of the current level of technology use and which tools are available to users across the whole country. It is also part of an international study that will allow us to see how Ireland is positioned compared to other countries. 

Director of the Centre for Excellence in Learning & Teaching at NUI Galway, Dr Iain MacLaren said: “The INDEx survey offers staff and students an opportunity to tell the institution how they currently use digital technologies, and share their expectations of how our digital environment should change in the future. It provides a fantastic opportunity for peoples' voices to be heard and ensure that our future strategy is well-informed.”

The survey is a unique collaborative partnership between the institutions, the National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning, and representatives of students and staff. 

Dr MacLaren added: “This has the potential to be really helpful in so much of our work in the sector and so the higher the participation levels the better. If you only fill in one survey over the next few weeks, make it this one!”   

The survey is completely anonymous and great care is being taken with ensuring that the data is secure and managed appropriately. 

All queries on the survey should go to or check the website at: 


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