Mental Health Conditions

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), mental health is a state of well-being in which an individual realises his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and is able to contribute to his or her community (WHO, 2018).

In recent years, there has been an increase in the number of students experiencing mental health difficulties while in 3rd level education. Poor mental health is associated with distressing psychological symptoms which can have an impact on daily functioning. Students may experience long-term mental health conditions which can fluctuate over time and can be exacerbated during times of high stress.

Mental health conditions can include some of the following: depression, anxiety, personality disorders, bipolar and eating disorders. It is important to be aware of the different types of supports available to students with a mental health difficulty.


Impact on learning

Students with mental health difficulties may struggle in the following areas:

  • Self-advocacy: Seeking support, asking questions in class, initiating interactions with other students or staff due to low self-esteem and lack of confidence.
  • Concentration, attention and motivation towards their studies
  • Time management, planning and organisation
  • Completing their assignments on time
  • Attendance in lectures, tutorials, labs
  • Giving presentations and working in groups
  • Procrastination and getting started on a task
  • Fatigue and/or low mood due to specific condition or medication


How you can help

  • Refer to the student’s LENS report for list of recommended supports and reasonable accommodations
  • Refer to the section on Inclusive Teaching and Assessment.
  • Liaise with the student’s Disability Advisor (DA) if concerned about a student’s attendance or participation in class
  • Flexibility and leniency around deadlines is recommended
  • Actively listening to a student and signposting to relevant services across campus (Student Counselling, Disability Support Service (DSS), Student Health Unit (SHU) etc.)
  • Contact the Disability Support Service (DSS) if looking for additional advice or recommended supports (


Exam accommodations

For all in-class assessments please refer to the exam accommodations detailed in the student’s Learning and Educational Needs Statement (LENS).

Exam accommodations are determined on an individualised basis. Examples of recommended exam accommodations for students registered with a mental health difficulty may include:

  • Alternative Exam Venue
  • Extra time

Impact on placement

Mental Health impacts individuals differently. Difficulties can vary depending on the person and workplace context. 

  • Difficulty adjusting to new environments particularly starting a new job. 

  • Difficulty in adapting to new or unpredictable situations.  

  • Periods of stress and anxiety. 

  • Periods of low mood or fatigue resulting in lack of motivation. 

  • Difficulty maintaining concentration.  

  • Low Self Esteem. 

Placement Reasonable Accommodations  

There is no one size fits all approach to implementing placement support as each person will have a unique set of challenges and coping mechanisms. The best way to establish what accommodations may be required, if any, is to attend a Placement Planning Meeting for a Placement Needs Assessment prior to the commencement of the role. 

Examples of reasonable accommodations may include: 

  • Supervisor to be aware that the student experiences challenges with their mental health and maintains confidentiality. 

  • Flexibility to attend appointments with counsellors, mentors etc. 

  • Student may need additional time to review, clarify and summarise key points or take notes when instructions are given. 

  • Identify a mentor/work buddy so that the student can clarify any issues they may have with that person and if that person can also check in regularly with the student. 



University Supports

  • The Student Counselling Service
  • Disability Support Service
  • Student Health Unit
  • The Chaplaincy
  • Student’s Union
  • Class Reps

24/7 Supports

  • Samaritans (116 123)
  • 50808 Crisis Text line (Text “hello” to 50808)