Postgraduate Research Students, NUI Galway

National Student Survey

School of Psychology

2022 Action Plan – Update 14th November 2022






*Not Started

*In Progress


Update Nov 2022


Research Infrastructure and Facilities

Summary of findings: Above average ratings of satisfaction on all items in this category. Slightly lower rating for items: ‘There is adequate provision of computing resources / facilities’ and ‘I have access to the specialist resources and facilities necessary for my research’


1.1 Continue to support PGR students by provision of high quality research infrastructure and facilities.

1.2 Ensure PGR students have access to necessary and adequate computer equipment within the School

1.3 Ensure that PGR students have access to information about how to seek support with computing problems (ISS)

1.4 Encourage communication with PGR students through information sessions and via PhD student representatives to ensure that gaps to specialist resources and facilities are identified and addressed where possible

Director of PGR and School Executive

*In Progress


- Secured PCs for incoming PhD students resulting in a significant improvement in access to computer equipment.


- Director of PGP in the School delivered an information session for PhD students and supervisors in Oct 2022




Summary of findings: High ratings of support provided, but slightly lower than average ratings for the College, especially for item: ‘My supervisor(s) help me to identify my training and development needs as a researcher’.


2.1 Deliver annual information session for PGR students and supervisors to ensure that they are familiar with University and School guidelines around supervision requirements and supports

2.2 Ensure that PGR students and supervisors are aware of the Researcher Development Centre at NUI Galway, which provides regular training in researcher continuing professional development. 

Director of PGR

*In Progress




- Director of PGP in the School delivered an information session for PhD students and supervisors in Oct 2022, information re. RDC was highlighted at this session



Research Culture

Summary of findings: Ratings within this category were relatively low, but were similar to ratings in the University more widely and in the College. This likely reflects the damage caused by the Covid-19 pandemic and requirements to work from home, and subsequent impact on research related activities with the School (e.g. School seminar series was cancelled 2020/2021) and research ambiance and culture which is encouraged when PGR students are on site.


3.1 Reinstate the School Seminar Series

3.2 Ensure that PGR students are facilitated to return to their offices at full capacity, as soon as it is soon to do so (students currently returned to shared offices at 50% capacity).

3.3 PhD reps will lead on creating a forum to promote regular communication within their PhD year cohort

Director of PGR and School Research Strategy Committee

*In Progress


- School seminar series has been reintroduced by the Research Strategy


- Also, HBCRG runs a seminar series to which all PhD students are invited


- PGR students have now returned at full capacity to the shared offices, and each has been allocated an office desk space


- PhD reps in the process of being appointed by the Director of PGR Programmes


Progress and Assessment

Summary of findings: Ratings in this category were generally high, but slightly lower ratings than the University and College for items: ‘I understand the requirements and deadlines for formal monitoring of my progress’ and ‘I understand the required standard for my thesis’


4.1 Deliver annual information session for PGR students and supervisors to ensure that they are familiar with University and School guidelines around progress review and thesis format

Director of PGR

*In Progress


- Director of PGP in the School delivered an information session for PhD students and supervisors in Oct 2022


- Another session is planned for Jan 2023 to ensure GRC processes clear


Research Skills

Summary of findings: Ratings in this category were generally high, but slightly lower ratings than the University and College for items: ‘My skills in critically analysing and evaluating findings and results have developed during my programme’ and ‘My confidence to be creative or innovative has developed during my programme’.


5.1 Ensure that PGR students and supervisors are aware of the Researcher Development Centre at NUI Galway, which provides regular training for researchers in transferrable research skills.

5.2 Promote communication about relevant training events to PhD students within the School

5.3 Encourage students to propose and organise training events to address skills gaps among PhD students

Director of PGR

*In Progress


- Director of PGP in the School delivered an information session for PhD students and supervisors in Oct 2022, information re. RDC was highlighted at this session



Other Transferable Skills

Summary of findings: Ratings in this category were generally moderate, but slightly lower ratings than the University and College for items: ‘My ability to manage projects has developed during my programme’ and ‘I have developed contacts or professional networks during my programme’.


6.1 Ensure that PGR students and supervisors are aware of the Researcher Development Centre at NUI Galway, which provides regular training for researchers in transferrable research skills, such as project management and professional networking.

Director of PGR

*In Progress


- Director of PGP in the School delivered an information session for PhD students and supervisors in Oct 2022, information re. RDC was highlighted at this session



Responsibilities and Supports

Summary of findings: Ratings in this category were mixed in this category. Of note, were low rating on the following  items, which is in line with the University more broadly and the College: ‘How aware are you of the various student supports available? (Recreation, healthcare, counselling, etc)’ and ‘My institution values and responds to feedback from research degree students’


7.1 Establish a team of PhD representatives within the School who meet every month with the Director of PGR programmes, to ensure that issues that are important to PGR students are addressed

7.2 Signpost PGR students to the Graduate Studies Office where they can find information about students supports within the University.


*In Progress and




- PhD reps in the process of being appointed by the Director of PGR Programmes


Personal Outlook

Summary of findings: Ratings in this category were mixed. Of note, were low rating on the following  items, which is in line with the University more broadly and the College: ‘I am satisfied with my life within my institution nowadays’, ‘I am satisfied with my work-life balance’ and ‘There is someone in my institution I can talk to about my day-to-day problems’.


8.1 Acknowledge that PGR can be a stressful time for students. Communicating this message to PhD supervisors can heighten awareness and encourage them to reach out to students to may be particularly struggling at this time. 

8.2 Establish a team of PhD representatives within the School who meet every month with the Director of PGR programmes, to ensure that issues that are important to PGR students are addressed

8.3 Signpost PGR students to the Graduate Studies Office where they can find information about students supports within the University.

8.4 Ensure that PCR students are facilitated to return to their offices at full capacity, as soon as it is soon to do so (students currently returned to shared offices at 50% capacity). The peer support provided by PGR students to one another in the shared office spaces within the School is very important.

8.5 Ensure that PhD students and supervisors are aware of the importance to building holiday time into the year for PhD students

Director of PGR and School Executive

*In Progress and



- PhD reps in the process of being appointed by the Director of PGR Programmes


- PGR students have now returned at full capacity to the shared offices, and each has been allocated an office desk space



COVID-19 Questions

Summary of findings: Ratings in this category were mixed. Of note, were low rating on the following items: ‘I have adequate access to the on-campus facilities required to engage with my research’ and ‘I feel connected to my higher education institution despite the restricted access to campus.’


9.1 Ensure that PCR students are facilitated to return to their offices at full capacity, as soon as it is safe to do so.

9.2 Promote events that promote feelings of connectedness to the School and University, e.g. School seminar series, Training events, School research day.

Director of PGR and School Executive

*In Progress and



- PGR students have now returned at full capacity to the shared offices, and each has been allocated an office desk space



Development Opportunities 

Summary of findings: Ratings in this category were mixed. Of note, were low rating on the following items: ‘Agreeing a personal training or development plan’, ‘Receiving advice on career options’, and ‘Do you agree or disagree that you have been given appropriate support and guidance for your teaching / demonstration?’


10.1 Ensure that PGR students and supervisors are aware of the Researcher Development Centre at NUI Galway, which provides regular training in researcher continuing professional development and careers

10.2 Deliver training in careers for researchers

10.3 Signpost PGR students to CELT, where they may be able to access training in teaching and learning.

Director of PGR, School Executive and School Research Strategy Committee

*In Progress and






Summary of findings: Highest priorities were (1) My interest in my subject, (2) Improving career prospects outside of academic and (3) Improving career prospects for an academic.


None needed.






Summary of findings: Highest priorities were (1) Academic career in higher education (either research and teaching, or teaching only), (2) Returning to, or remaining with, employer who is sponsoring your degree and (3) Research career outside higher education (e.g. in a private research organisation, a charity or in an industrial environment)


None needed.





Overall Experience

Summary of findings: Above average ratings for item: ‘I am confident that I will complete my research degree programme within my institution's expected timescale’, but below average ratings for item: ‘How would you evaluate your entire research experience at this institution?’


13.1 Ensure that PCR students are facilitated to return to their offices at full capacity, as soon as it is safe to do so.

13.2 Promote events that promote feelings of connectedness to the School and University, e.g. School seminar series, Training events, School research day.

13.3 PhD reps will lead on creating a forum to promote regular communication within their PhD year cohort

Director of PGR and School Executive

*In Progress and



- PGR students have now returned at full capacity to the shared offices, and each has been allocated an office desk space


- PhD reps in the process of being appointed by the Director of PGR Programmes