
Leaving home, especially for the first time, can be a big change for anyone. It is not unusual for you have concerns about living independently and settling in a new environment. NUI Galway’s Accommodation Office understands that there will be concerns, worries and fears circulating in your head on the subject of leaving the comfort of home. They are fully willing and available to discuss any issues you may have. A student’s academic success will naturally be affected by the comfort and satisfaction they have in their new home. It is therefore of the utmost importance to us that you find the ideal place to live during the academic year.

Where Can I Live?

The NUI Galway Accommodation Office is here to help you in your search for a place to live. We can help you find appropriate accommodation in Student Residences, flats, apartments or houses. We are also more than happy to help if problems arise with property owners.  However we do not get involved in inter-landlord/tenant disputes.

There are 8 Student Residences in total, one of which is on Campus (Corrib Village).  All others are within very comfortable walking distance of the University or are accessible by a free University shuttle bus. Students should be booking the residence in the February prior to arrival to ensure a place.


If you are looking to rent accommodation in the Private Sector then NUIG’s Studentpad search engine will help. Use the engine to search for the right type of accommodation for you. Be sure to view any house or apartment before deciding to live in it or not. It is important that you feel you will be able to comfortable in a room for the academic year. It is not worth the risk to accept a place without having viewed it. 

Where can I find people to live with?

Don’t panic if finding accommodation to share with friends proves impossible or too difficult. In fact, in many ways finding accommodation independently of people you know can be seen as an opportunity to practice independence and meet new people. Remember that there are hundreds of students in the same boat as you who will be looking for people to share accommodation with, so you will never have to be alone in your search for a place to live.  NUIG’s Studentpad can be used to look for individual rooms in houses or apartments in the private sector and there are several other online resources where you can find individual rooms or even other students to team up with in finding a place.

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