Upload Exam Papers

Permission to Upload Exam Papers

Staff permissions to upload exam papers are allocated by ISS.

To request permissions, please log a ticket through the Service Desk Ticketing System and select the following ticket category 06.Enterprise Applications - Exam Services - Staff Exam Managements - Exam Paper Submission & Tracking

Permission is currently only available for one of the following:
  • A single Discipline (all modules owned by that discipline)
  • A single School (all modules owned by all the constituent disciplines that make up that school)

More than one person can be allocated permissions for the same discipline or school.

However, it is not possible to provide permissions for more than one discipline. Where this is the requirement, the only solution is to allow permissions at school level.

Restriction: Permission by college, program, individual class or module is not available.

Module ownership 

Most modules are assigned 100% to a given discipline.
If there is more than one contributing discipline for a module, then the discipline with the biggest teaching input is assigned the module for papers.
If the two biggest disciplines have the exact same input (usually 50-50), then one of them is arbitrarily assigned the module for papers.