Dr Edward Curry

 Contributions to the European Big Data Value Association (BDVA)

With the digitisation of industry, traditional industrial strongholds of European competitiveness are under threat from the US and Asia. There was a clear need to bring together the key European players necessary for Europe to be competitive in the emerging Data Economy. 

Dr Curry has contributed extensively to the European data ecosystem and the establishment of an industry-led European big data community.  Dr Curry's contributions have led to the building of a consensus on a common European big data research and innovation agenda and influenced European data innovation policy to deliver on the agenda.  Dr Curry was a founding member of the Board of Directors of the Big Data Value Association (BDVA), an industry-led association with over 180 companies and research institutions, with the goal to strengthen the global competitiveness of European Industry and to ensure European leadership in Big Data Value.

This application showed a good example of significant reach and International impact on a global issue, influencing international policy outside Ireland. It also demonstrated strong collaboration with industry and significant personal effort above and beyond routine academic activities