Civic Engagement

at the College of Medicine, Nursing & Health Sciences

Civic engagement at the College of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences

A mutually beneficial collaboration between the university and the wider community, through community-campus partnerships. Civic Engagement activities can take many forms for example student volunteering, service learning, collaborate research projects and other activities that benefit both the community and the university including its’ students and staff.

Visual representation of the keywords from the CMNHS civic engagement survey

We have collated information about each school’s civic engagement activities within the CMNHS. We used the same template and the same definition of civic engagement across all schools to gather this data in survey format. This round of data gathering is focused on staff rather than student activity. Details of activities related to teaching, research and outreach in civic engagement were collected. Staff were provided with the Campus Engage definition of Civic Engagement when undertaking the survey, which is “A mutually beneficial knowledge-based collaboration between the higher education institution, its staff and students, with the wider community, through community-campus partnerships and including the activities of Service Learning/Community based Learning, Community engaged research, Volunteering, Community/Economic regeneration, Capacity-building and Access/Widening participation.” The analysis of the data collected is underway. A word cloud is provided here as a visual representation of the keywords from the survey. 

Committee Members‌

Members of the CMNHS Civic Engagement Committee: Dr Ruth McMenamin (SHS rep), Dr Lorraine McIlrath (CKI), Dr Elena Vaughan (post-grad student rep), Dr Fionnuala Jordan (SON&M rep), Dr Sinéad Hynes (SHS rep. Widening Diversity), Dr Louise Campbell (SOM rep), James Coyne (community rep), Sean Breathnach (community rep.), George Campbell (student rep.),  (Brona Mooney (SON&M rep)- on sabbatical