
Bachelor of Medicine (MB) of Surgery (BCh) and of Obstetrics (BAO)

The Bachelor of Medicine, Surgery and Obstetrics course educates students in the principles and practices of Medicine.   The curriculum is modern and includes vertical and horizontal integration with extensive exposure of students to patients from the beginning of the course and interdisciplinary modules which focus on the needs of patients who present with problems.  The Disciplines of Medicine, Surgery, Radiology and Anaesthetics have integrated teaching in the curriculum.  There is also extensive emphasis on professionalism with substantial input from the Discipline of Medicine. 

The course uses a number of teaching methods - lectures, tutorials, presentations, projects, case studies, ward rounds, Outpatient clinics and periods of self-directed learning.

  • Summative assessment methods include written exams, oral exams, clinical exams and continuous assessment and
  • Formative assessment is provided for all students throughout the curriculum.



Masters in Medical Science

The course introduces the medical graduate to more advanced areas of Clinical Medicine and Medical Research and illustrates to students the principles of Medical Research in a theoretical and practical manner through taught modules and the completion of a research project.

The programme is managed by the Faculty of Medicine but the degree comprises several modules which are under the supervision of several faculties. Students are assessed by written exams (30%), clinical evaluation (40%) and dissertation (30%).


The aim of this course is to award the Doctorate degree in Medicine to candidates who have performed and submitted original research of high quality based on clinical and/or scientific observations.


A new combined MB and PhD programme has been introduced.  Students will break from their clinical studies after year 3, having completed a summer based research project and thesis. They will undertake PhD studies for 3-4 years.  This research can occur in any research area within the university.

PhD in Medicine (PhD)

The aim of this course is to award A PhD in Medicine to candidates who have performed and submitted original research of high quality based on clinical and/or scientific observations.

Both the PhD in Medicine and MD are managed by the Department of Medicine. A proposal for the degree outlining the aims, objectives and work to be carried out is submitted to the Faculty of Medicine and a prima facie case made for acceptance of the title of the project. On completion of the work, a thesis is presented to an internal and external examiner for evaluation.

If the thesis is accepted as being of high quality then the Faculty of Medicine recommends that the degree is awarded. The work may be carried out at UCHG or in an institution acceptable to the Faculty of Medicine. Throughout the period of research formative assessment of student occurs through regular meetings with supervisor.

MSc in Clinical Research

The objective of this course is to provide training for the next generation of healthcare workers in the clinical research arena, providing a platform for more enhanced efficiencies in the translation of medical discoveries into clinical practice. Aimed at individuals employed in the healthcare sector, this course has been developed to meet the needs of working graduates who wish to up-skill, specialise or change career direction. Our course cover, Fundamentals of Health Research and Evaluation Methods, basic and advanced Biostatistics, Ethics of Health Research, Randomized Controlled Trials, Systematic Review Methods, Translational Medicine, Clinical Research Administration, and Observational and Analytical Research Methods. We also avail of modules provided by other departments, Health Economics and Business school. The MSc (Clinical Research) is intended to be a part-time two-year programme of academic study in Clinical Research Methodology. Year 1 will be spent at NUIG and Year 2 is completed by a combination of distance learning through modules delivered by McMaster University and NUI Galway, and on-site modules delivered by NUI Galway. A full-time one-year option is available to students who wish to complete the MSc in a full-time capacity

MSc in Regenerative Medicine

In this 12-month programme you will learn about Regenerative Medicine and gain the skills necessary for a career in this emerging discipline. This course will integrate information, technologies and skills from biological sciences, engineering, legal and ethical disciplines. You will learn about the science behind Regenerative medicine as well as its application to human disease and its importance to modern society. 

As part of this MSc course you will undertake a summer-long, laboratory-based research project. These projects have been based at NUI Galway, Galway University Hospital, and in research groups based in Dublin and Maynooth. The MSc is administered by the Regenerative Medicine Institute (REMEDI), a biomedical research institute recognised as Ireland’s primary centre for stem cell and gene therapy research. REMEDI’s main focus is to use cells and genes to repair and regenerate tissues.