Association of Industrial Laser Users, AILU, is run by and for the laser community. Its membership is made up of laser users in industry and academia as well as by manufacturers and suppliers of lasers and laser-related equipment and services. Our corporate members include many leading players in the laser community.


 Laser Institute of America

Laser Institute of America, LIA is a professional society for lasers, laser applications and laser safety worldwide.

 EPIC European Photonics Industry Association EPIC is the industry association that promotes the sustainable development of organisations working in the field of photonics in Europe.
Photonics21 European Technology Platform The European Technology Platform Photonics21 unites the majority of the leading photonics industries and relevant R&D stakeholders along the whole economic value chain throughout Europe. Today Photonics21 has more than 2500 members.


 ‌Photonics Ireland The biennial Photonics Ireland conference series is the premier event for photonics research in Ireland, running since 2007.



 ICALEO logo

The International Congress on Applications of Lasers & Electro-Optics (ICALEO) is a conference for technical information in the laser materials processing field.Laser industry professionals from academic and industrial settings will gather to discuss the latest in laser materials processing, laser microprocessing and nanomanufacturing. Topics range from the interaction between a laser beam and a material to how a process can be integrated and optimized for an application.
 LPM logo

Laser Precision Microfabrication (LPM) is an international symposium.

 ‌Laser Munich Trade fair for lasers and photonics that covers the entire photonics sector: LASER World of PHOTONICS combines research, technology and industry.
 Lasys LASYS is an international trade fair for laser material processing.
Photonics West SPIE Photonics West — The world's largest photonics technologies event, consisting of three conferences and two world-class exhibitions

EMRS The European Materials Research Society, E-MRS Spring Meeting, is organized every year in May or June and offers on average 25 topical symposia. It is widely recognized as being of the highest international significance and is the greatest of its kind in Europe with about 2,500 attendees every year. Each symposium publishes its own proceedings that document the latest experimental and theoretical understanding of material growth and properties, the exploitation of new advanced processes, and the development of electronic devices that can benefit best from the outstanding physical properties of functional materials.



 Laser Systems Europe

Laser Systems Europe is publication for integrators and users of laser systems.
 Industrial Laser Solutions Industrial Laser Solutions for Manufacturing is a publication for laser materials processing applications in industry.
 Laser Focus World Laser Focus World is a publication for scientific and industrial laser and photonics applications. provides online daily coverage of the optics & photonics industry and the markets that it serve. provdies online coverage of optics, laser, and photonics activities.