METAclustered, SME oriented European Open Innovation Test Bed for the BUILDING envelope materials industrial sector using a harmonised and upgraded technical framework and living LABS

Key Information:

Title                             METABUILDING LABS: Open Innovation Test Beds for European Construction SMEs 

Start Date                     January 2021

End Date                      December 2025

Funding Body              H2020-NMBP-TO-IND-2020 (Grant ID: 953193)

Coordinator                  Nobatek/INEF4

Project Partners           40 European partner organisations

Research Areas           Energy, Climate

People involved           Jamie Goggins, Magdalena Hajdukiewicz, Noel Harrison

Websites                      METABUILDING LABS

CORDIS: EU Commission

METABUILDING (sister project)



METABUILDING LABS is a new five-year Horizon 2020 EU-funded Innovation project whose main intention is to contribute to reach the Paris Climate Agreement (COP21) goal of “nearly-zero energy, zero emission buildings”

A large consortium of 40 partners from 13 European countries have joined forces to provide European small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) from the construction sector with easy access to a wide network of high value testing facilities allowing them to develop and test innovative envelope solutions for next generation buildings. 

These testing facilities will be provided by: 

  • Research & Technology Organisations (RTOs) 
  • Living Labs 
  • Social Housing buildings  


The METABUILDING LABS network of testing facilities will extend across the following countries:  




METABUILDING LABS project reaches out to SMEs and provides them with access to Open Innovation Testbeds (OITB) as part of a wider innovation support ecosystem, which will be of high value and tailored to their needs. Some SMEs, representing the main targeted stakeholder group, form part of the project consortium to collaborate in the specification and development of the OITB and its services, and to “test drive” their innovations. The OITB will help to accelerate SME innovation and allow SMEs to become competitive against big industry players.  

In order to engage an ever-growing number of SMEs in innovation on a European scale, an OITB will aim to create, organise and put to work technical and regulatory testing facilities and services. An OITB will also deploy a sound and effective strategy to bring European SMEs into its ecosystem by means of metaclustering. The main idea behind the metaclustering concept is to maximise the outreach to up to 30 000 SMEs from all European regions, through 12 Metaclusters that interconnect 180 existing European Clusters and will reach SMEs through a cascade communication methodology: 



The METABUILDING LABS project is closely related to the H2020 project METABUILDING, which started in June 2020. The METABUILDING project has put in place the first layer of this ecosystem by involving 6 target countries (which will now be extended to 13 European countries) and has created an Open Innovation Digital Platform for the innovation ecosystem of the construction sector. This platform will be consolidated and enlarged through METABUILDING LABS.  

The platform will serve as a virtual and ubiquitous Single-Entry Point to innovation support and services to the European construction ecosystem in general, and particularly to the Innovation testbed services, which are being developed within the METABUILDING LABS project. 

This represents an ambitious twofold intent, which is strategically underpinned by the European Construction Technology Platform’s (ECTP) roadmap. Moreover, 21 of the ECTP’s members, including the ECTP itself, are partners in the METABUILDING LABS project. 


  • Build up a future-proof, upgradable, competitive, sustainable, and inclusive European Innovation Ecosystem and OITB network.  
  • Stimulate investments in building-envelope innovations and new technologies by providing testbed evidence on material performance for companies and investors.  
  • Contribute to enhance the technical and environmental quality of EU building envelope products, through the harmonisation and streamlining of testing requirements. 


  • Unlock the potential of SMEs by getting access to prototyping, testing facilities, certification services and infrastructures to improve the quality of their products/solutions. 
  • Test user acceptance and environmental requirements of products and solutions in Living Labs. 

METABUILDING LABS project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 953193.