Sharing knowledge on technology and business at the BarCamp "unconference"

Sep 17 2007 Posted: 00:00 IST
The 'BarCamp Galway' event will be held at the Digital Enterprise Research Institute (DERI), National University of Ireland, Galway from 10a.m. on 22nd September, 2007.

BarCamp is a technology-focused, informal gathering of people from technical and business backgrounds, where information and experiences are exchanged. The event is geared towards sharing knowledge and learning from others, and there is a policy of encouraging active participation in all discussions.

'BarCamp Galway' extends from other successful Irish "unconferences", most recently in Dublin and Belfast. The term unconference is used as BarCamp allows anyone to present, and talks can be technical or non-technical. The ethos is simply about sharing information, with no overriding theme. Speakers and discussion panel members who have signed up to talk so far include:

  • David Lenehan, PollDaddy: creator of the very popular online polling service
  • John Collison, Auctomatic: the young Irish student who along with his brother Patrick received significant venture capital funding from Y-Combinator in Silicon Valley
  • John Breslin, co-founder of Ireland s largest discussion community
  • Conor O Neill, LouderVoice: editor of Blognation Ireland
  • Ina O Murchu, DERI: writer of Galway First s TechTalk column and speaking about the Social Web

The event is free and is sponsored by Microsoft, Blacknight, and If you wish to attend, simply send an e-mail to



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