Over 90% of NUI Galway Grads in Employment

Tuesday, 4 August 2009

(Leagan Gaeilge) Preliminary figures from the annual first destination survey of NUI Galway's 2008 Graduates' Survey indicates that nearly 91% of the University's graduates entered employment or further study on completion of their degree. The data contained in the preliminary report is an annual survey of almost 4,000 graduates on NUI Galway full-time programmes. The survey is conducted nine months after graduation and gives an invaluable insight into employment opportunities and further study trends. The survey found that the proportion of primary degree graduates seeking employment is 3.7%. The numbers of primary degree graduates entering further study is, as expected, up on last year, to nearly 51%. John Hannon, Head of the Career Development Centre in NUI Galway, commented: "At a time when national unemployment figures approach 12%, we are delighted to see that NUI Galway graduates have particularly high standing among employers. Graduates are our future leaders and their energy, skills, knowledge and contribution to enterprise and innovation will help bring us back on the road to economic recovery". Mr Hannon added: "NUI Galway statistics are very positive when compared to the national average. However, we cannot forget how challenging the current economic climate is for graduates who are looking for employment. Students who take postgraduate diplomas, masters and PhDs not only enhance their learning; they gain additional evidence of transferable skills that improve employability such as problem-solving, teamwork, communication and leadership". The University is particularly proactive in supporting those looking to improve their employability. NUI Galway will offer a total of 68 free university places to the unemployed under a new initiative announced by the Minister for Education, Batt O'Keeffe T.D. as part of a Government plan to help improve the work-place skills of the unemployed and assist them with returning to work.
Os cionn 90% de Chéimithe OÉ Gaillimh i bhFostaíocht
(View in English) De réir shuirbhé bliantúil OÉ Gaillimh ar Chéimithe na bliana 2008 tá beagnach 91% de chéimithe na hOllscoile i bhfostaíocht nó i mbun breis-staidéir i ndiaidh a gcéime. Tháinig na réamhfhigiúirí seo ó shuirbhé bliantúil ar bheagnach 4,000 céimí ar chláir lánaimseartha in OÉ Gaillimh. Rinneadh an suirbhé naoi mí i ndiaidh bhronnadh na gcéimeanna agus tugann sé léargas ar dheiseanna fostaíochta agus staidéar breise. De réir an tsuirbhé, níl ach 3.7% de chéimithe ag lorg fostaíochta. Tá líon na gcéimithe atá i mbun breis-staidéir méadaithe ó anuraidh, mar a bheifí ag súil leis, go beagnach 51%. Dúirt John Hannon, Ceann Ionad Forbartha Gairmeacha OÉ Gaillimh: "Agus líon na ndaoine dífhostaithe ag beagnach 12%, tá an-áthas orainn go bhfuil tóir ag fostóirí ar chéimithe OÉ Gaillimh, agus gan ach aon trian den ráta náisiúnta dífhostaithe againn anseo. Is iad na céimithe a bheidh i gceannas amach anseo agus is é a gcuid fuinnimh, scileanna, eolais, fiontraíochta agus nuálaíochta a chinnteoidh go dtiocfaidh geilleagar na tíre chuici féin". Dúirt Hannon: "Tá staitisticí OÉ Gaillimh an-dearfach i gcomparáid leis an gcuid eile den tír. Mar sin féin, ní féidir linn dearmad a dhéanamh ar chomh dúshlánach atá rudaí anois do chéimithe atá ag lorg fostaíochta. Ní hamháin go gcuireann iarchéimeanna, dioplómaí, máistreachtaí agus dochtúireachtaí le foghlaim an mhic léinn, ach foghlaimíonn siad scileanna inaistrithe, cosúil le fadhbréiteach, obair foirne, cumarsáid agus ceannaireacht, a chuireann le hinfhostaitheacht". Tá an Ollscoil ag tacú go gníomhach leo siúd ar mian leo a bheith níos infhostaithe. Cuirfidh OÉ Gaillimh 68 áit san iomlán saor in aisce ar fáil do dhaoine dífhostaithe faoi thionscnamh nua a d'fhógair an tAire Oideachais, Batt O'Keeffe T.D., mar chuid de phlean an Rialtais scileanna na ndaoine dífhostaithe a fheabhsú agus cabhrú leo filleadh ar an obair.


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