NUI Galway Research Ethics Committee Development Day

Thursday, 12 September 2019

LtoR: Heike Felzmann (Discipline of Philosophy), Gem Mathieu (NUI Galway REC Coordinator), Kevin Davison (Chair, NUI Galway Research Ethics Committee), Veronica McCauley (Vice-Chair, NUI Galway Research Ethics Committee), Caroline Heary (School of Psychology), Gordon Bromley (School of Geography, Archaeology and Irish Studies), Peter Feeney (Solicitor / Data Protection & Information Compliance Officer, NUI Galway), Marie Mahon (School of Geography, Archaeology and Irish Studies) , Amir Shafat (Discipline of Physiology)

NUI Galway’s University Research Ethics Board recently organised a development event for it’s members.  Dr Kevin Davison (NUI Galway Research Ethics Committee Chair) and Gem Mathieu (NUI Galway Research Ethics Coordinator) welcomed Dr Heike Felzmann (School of Humanities) who opened the proceedings and led challenging discussions around key ethical themes including: value of research, scientific validity, fair subject selection, favourable risk-benefit ratio, independent review, informed consent and respect for participants.
Peter Feeney delivered training on GDPR highlighting the extensive set of resources available on the NUI Galway Data Protection website ( which offers excellent advice on a wide range of GDPR issues and a suite of resources to support.

Keywords: Education.

Author: School of Education, NUI Galway
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