Postgraduate Research Students, NUI Galway

National Student Survey

Engineering & Informatics

2022 Action Plan*







Research Infrastructure and Facilities

Satisfaction rating reasonably high for students having (i) a suitable workspace, (ii) access to computing resources and (iii) access to facilities, despite the impact of COVID-19. Since the survey, research and lab spaces have now fully re-opened and are widely accessible by PGR students this AY

Vice-Dean CoSE, SoE Director of GS.

*In Progress



Supervisor contact being reviewed annually at GRC and any issues advised to supervisor(s)


*In Progress


Research Culture

Running of appropriate research seminar series will be investigated.  

Also, research seminars run by units such as Ryan Institute, Curam, MaREI etc will be more widely disseminated to our research students.

The above will help to improve research ambience for students.

SoE Director of GS

*Not Started


Progress and Assessment

Mandatory induction provided by VD for Graduate Studies. Follow up session to be organised by School Director of GS to provide ongoing information on expectations for PhD degree in SoE. 

Vice-Dean CoSE, SoE Director of GS. 

*In Progress


Research Skills 

No actions required




Other Transferrable Skills 

Career Support and Professional Development Seminar Series taking place as part of CSE and Researcher Development Centre in Spring 2022.

Topics include Research careers, Grant writing skills, Intellectual Property, Galway Green Labs, Preparing for a job beyond academia,  Open science / Open scholarship, Entrepreneurship Media writing, Developing Leadership Skills

 Vice-Dean CoSE, SoE Director of GS.               

*In Progress 


Personal Outlook

GRC meetings will discuss students satisfaction in the institution and address issues with support staff. 

GRC, School Director of GS.

*In Progress



Since this survey, research and lab spaces have now opened and are widely accessible by PGR students. HEA funding was also made available to those whose projects were affected.

School Director of GS

*In Progress


Development Opportunities

Personal Career Development Plan being included as part of GRC process.

Increased Career Support and Professional Development available through Researcher Development Centre.

Teaching/demonstrating duties by PGR students changing in coming academic year to a paid model.

GRC, SoE Director of GS.

*In Progress



 No actions required.





Career Support and Professional Development Seminar Series taking place as part of CSE and Researcher Development Centre in Spring 2022.

Topics include Research careers, Grant writing skills, Intellectual Property, Galway Green Labs, Preparing for a job beyond academia,  Open science / Open scholarship, Entrepreneurship Media writing, Developing Leadership Skills

Vice-Dean CoSE,  *In Progress 

 *Not Started

*In Progress


 * Many of the above actions will be addressed at annual GRC meetings, as a result it is planned that the GRC form completed by students will be revised to reflect these additional actions.

The above actions are tentative and will require the approval of the new CoSE Vice-Dean for Graduate Studies