Q. Who conducts the survey?
A. The Health Promotion Research Centre, University of Galway is responsible for organising the study in Ireland ( The Centre conducted the survey in 1998, 2002, 2006, 2010, 2014 and 2018. 

Q. Why is the survey being done? 
A. The study will help us gain new insight, to improve our understanding of the health behaviours of young people.


Q. How are students chosen to take part?
A. A sample of schools are chosen at random from all across Ireland.

 Q. What classes are included?
A.  Students from 3rd class up to the senior cycle of secondary schools (excluding Leaving Certificate students) are included.

Q. What kinds of questions will I be asked on the HBSC survey?
A. Different questions are asked of students depending on your age. Many different types of questions are asked such as relationships with families and others, diet, exercise and your community. You do not have to answer any question that you do not want to.

Q. How long will it take to complete the questionnaire?
A. It takes approximately 30 minutes. For younger classes the questionnaire is shorter.


Q. Will students be recognisable?
A. No, the study is confidential and you do not put your name on the questionnaires.

Q. Can students' names be used or linked to surveys?
A. Students do not put their names on the questionnaire and no personal identifiers are recorded. None of your information will ever be made public.

Q. Are students tracked over time to see how their behaviour changes?
A. No. Students cannot be tracked because no identifying information is ever connected to their completed questionnaire.

Q. Will the school be recognisable?
A. No, the study is confidential and no specific school will be recognisable. Information on which schools take part is held securely and separately from the information from students so they cannot be linked.

Q. Can I choose not to take part?
A. Yes.The decision to take part is completely voluntary.

Q. Who administers the survey to the students?
A. Teachers will administer the survey. Students seal their questionnaires in blank envelopes provided prior to collection; this assures the anonymity of students. Alternatively, schools can choose to have their students complete the questionnaire online, with a secure database available only to researchers on the HBSC Ireland team, University of Galway.


Q. Who will benefit from the study?
A. The results of the study will be relevant to everyone working with and for children; policy makers, teachers, parents, care-givers and, of course, young people themselves. For example, results from previous surveys have been used in developing health-related policies. Examples can be found on our publications page.

Q. How will my results be used?
A. The results will help inform better policy making to improve young people’s lives.

Q. Where can I get a copy of the survey results?
A.    HBSC Ireland survey results are available to download in a variety of formats including national reports international reports, journal articlesbooks and book chaptersshort reportsfactsheetsother publicationstheses and presentations. We also have interactive data visuals that can be explored on our website. Further details and hard copies of the reports can be requested from the Health Promotion Research Centre, University of Galway by emailing: