The psychiatry research theme focusses upon clinical research into the aetiopathogenesis and optimal therapeutics of the major psychotic illnesses of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.

In concert with the Centre for Neuroimaging and Cognitive Genomics (NICOG) at NUI Galway, which employs cutting edge methodologies within the fields of neuroimaging, cognitive neuroscience and genomics, clinical researchers have engaged in extensive recruitment and ascertainment of clinical samples of patients with psychotic and affective disorders for observational studies and clinical trials. Recent examples of observational research conducted with the HRB Clinical Research Facility include a multicentre longitudinal study of first episode psychosis (Psyscan) and an investigation of immune dysfunction and social cognition in established schizophrenia (iRelate).

Recent and active clinical trials include a study of scopolamine treatment for bipolar depression (Scope-BD), of Omega-3 fatty acids for prophylaxis in bipolar disorder, and of the opioid antagonist samidorphan to prevent olanzapine induced metabolic syndrome in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder (Enlighten).”

This research is led by Professor Colm McDonald.