Find a full listing of Agresso reports below. Numbers reflect the numbering used in Agresso:

2a. New Recurrent Budget Reports

2.1 Recurrent (D) Account Reports   (Options: Summary and drill down)
2.1.1 Income and Expenditure Report

This report shows any Miscellaneous Income and the actual expenditure incurered to date for the selected Discipline/Department as compared to the budget for the current Financial Year.

The report shows all Pay and Non Pay costs.

2.1.2 Payroll Exp by Post

This report shows Payroll Expenditure compared to Budget based on Core Payroll Post Numbers.  It also contains the Grade and Employee Reference for each post.

2.1.3 Recurrent Income Detail

This report shows detailed information on any Income which has been booked to the D Account.

2.1.4 Non Pay Exp Detail

This reports shows detailed information on any Non Pay Expenditure which has been charged to the D Account (e.g. Supplier Name and Reference, Invoice Number, PO Number etc.)

2.1.6 Scholarship Exp Detail

This reports shows detailed information on any Scholarships which have been charged to the D Account (e.g. Student Name)

2.1.7 Outstanding PO Report

This report lists all PO's which are still outstanding on the D Account (i.e. they have not been receipted and invoiced on Agresso).  It is very important that all PO's are fully receipted and invoiced prior to the 30th September.

2.1.8 Who has access to specific account?

The Account Access Report will give the following details:

EMPNO = Budget Holder/Owner

USER = Approver (Amounts up to €10,000)

ROLEID = Staff with purchase and read access

2.1.9 Search by Supplier

This report gives details of transactions with a specific supplier. Supplier reference number and/or name is needed