Payroll information regarding unpaid leave


Please note the following when taking unpaid leave:
ASC12 Form Please read the ASC12 Form carefully regarding potential entitlement to ASC Refund. (This is not relevant if you will be paid in December Payroll as you will have received your full entitlement for ASC).  For detailed information regarding an ASC refund please click here.
Income Continuance        If you intend taking a career break, unpaid leave or changing your working hours (e.g. Job Sharing) please contact the Pensions Office at to discuss if cover can continue during your absence. For further information please read the booklet on Pensions & Investments Website
Group Life Plan If you intend taking a career break, unpaid leave or changing your working hours (e.g. Job Sharing) please contact the Pensions Office at to discuss if cover can continue during your absence. For further information please read the booklet on Pensions & Investments Website
All Salary Deductions All deductions will cease if you receive no payment e.g. VHI, AXA, LPT etc. You must contact the relevant provider regarding this.
PRSI Credits for unpaid leave  Please read information on the following link Credited Social Insurance Contributions