You can only have one of these banners per page. Do not use this hack on course pages.

Alert Banners

Yellow Banner

By adding some code to an 'NUIG Code Only' content type you can have a yellow banner appear in the page body (to the right of the leftbar). Or you can add the code to the page's DC.Description (if it's empty) to make a full-width yellow banner appear just below the page title.  See instructions below.

The first method (Creating a Yellow Alert Banner in the body of your page) is useful if you wish to have the same message appear on multiple pages. Simply add the message to your first page and mirror it to all other pages.  Then, if you change one, all others will change too. 

Maroon Banner

By adding some code to an 'NUIG Code Only' content type you can have a maroon banner appear in the page body (to the right of the leftbar). See instructions below.

This method has the added advantage that, on small-screen devices (e.g. mobile phones), it will stick to the bottom of the screen and remain visible, even if the user scrolls down or up. 
To test this feature out, simply make your browser window narrow.

How do I create a Yellow Alert Banner (in the body of your page)

  1. Go to the ste structure and find the section you want the banner to appear on.
  2. Click on the Actions Button and choose Edit section from the dropdown menu.
  3. Click on +Add Content.
  4. Choose the content type NUIG Code Only.
  5. Give your content a Name.
  6. Copy the following code into the Code Field:
    <div id='msg' class='info postIt'><span>Your message here</span></div>
    Alert Banner Content tab
  7. Replace the text 'Your message here' with the text you want to appear.
    Alert Banner with i icon showing
  8. Remove the word 'info' from the keyword to remove the i in your message.
    Alert Banner without i icon
  9. To put your content on Pending Click 'Save changes'.
    Save changes button.  No option to save and approve or save as draft..
  10. To approve your content, click on the small arrow beside Save changes and choose 'Save and approve'.
    Save Changes dropdown with Save and Approve highlighted

You can mirror the same Alert Banner onto multiple pages. This allows you to change the banner text, on any of those pages, and all other 'mirrors' of that content will automatically change too.

How do I create a Yellow Alert Banner (full-width yellow banner below the page title)

  1. Go to the site structure and find the section you want the banner to appear on.
  2. Click on the Actions Button and choose Edit section from the dropdown menu.
  3. Click on the Other tab and choose Metadata from the dropdown menu.
  4. Copy the following code into the DC.Description field (as long as it is empty)
    <div id='msg' class='info postIt'><span>Your message here</span></div>
    Alert Banner Metadata DC.Description information example
  5. Replace the text 'Your message here' with the text you want to appear
    Alert Banner with i icon showing
  6. Remove the word 'info' from the keyword to remove the i in your message
    Alert Banner without i icon
    Note: You can only have one of these banners per page
  7. To put your content on Pending Click 'Save changes'.
    Save changes button.  No option to save and approve or save as draft..
  8. To approve your content, click on the small arrow beside Save changes and choose 'Save and approve'.
    Save Changes dropdown with Save and Approve highlighted

How do I create a Maroon Banner

  1. Go to the ste structure and find the section you want the banner to appear on.
  2. Click on the Actions Button and choose Edit section from the dropdown menu.
  3. Choose the content type NUIG Code Only.
  4. Give your content a name.
  5. Copy the following code into the Code Field:
    <div class="pageButtons" style="width: 100%;">
    <div class="pageButtonsWrapper">
    <ul style="display: block !important;">
    <li><a href="#" class="info"><span>Your text goes here</span></a></li>
    @media only screen and (max-width: 999px) {
    div.pageButtons li { display: block !important; }
    Alert Banner Maroon Content tab
  6. Replace the text 'Your text goes here' with the text you want to appear
    Alert Banner Maroon
  7. You can replace the "#" with a web address to turn it into a link, for example:
    <a href="//"... will bring the user to the University of Galway homepage.
  8. You can change the icon which appears on your banner by changing the class="info" information
    class="researchInfo" - for an information symbol icon (default)Alert Banner Maroon
    class="howToApply" - for a tick icon
    Alert Banner Marron with tick icon
    class="findCourse" - for a magnifying-glass-on-a-page icon
    Alert Banner Marron with Magnifying Glass icon
  9. To put your content on Pending Click 'Save changes'.
    Save changes button.  No option to save and approve or save as draft..
  10. To approve your content, click on the small arrow beside Save changes and choose 'Save and approve'.
    Save Changes dropdown with Save and Approve highlighted