Interactive Page Customisation Demo

The NUI Galway page layouts allow some custom behaviour by entering certain keywords into the DC.Keywords field in a section's Metadata tab.  This is often used to turn a site's homepage into widescreen, or make a 1-page site with no left-menu.


This page is intended to let you see what options are available to you and how they would look.  So feel free to click on things to see what they do - at any point you can undo all your changes by clicking the 'reset' button.

Common Page Customisations

Homepage Pre-sets

Here are some standard Home Page Customisations.  Select any one to see what it looks like:

One-Page Site Pre-sets

Here are some standard 1-Page Site Customisations  Select any one to see what it looks like:

Landing Page Pre-sets

Landing pages are pages your visitors find links to on other sites (e.g. google). They are not necessarily your home page but they are the first page the visitor sees when they 'land' on your site:

University-Level Landing Page Options:
College/School/Research/Discipline/Unit Level Landing Page Options:

You can choose between 6 header images in your landing and discipline pages. Click an image, below to apply it to this page:

Advanced users can upload their own image to use and make their landing page use it by copying a piece of code we supply and making a small change to it so it references their image. For full information, see our Landing Page Example Page


You've chosen a wide-screen (i.e. no left navigation bar) option, so there are some things to think about:

1. You need to have alternate site navigation

If this is not a 1-page site, then you need to put content in your page to replace the now-hidden left navigation bar.

The easiest and quickest way to do this is to add a 'Widescreen Navigation' content type to the page.  It will automatically build a 2-column button menu, containing everything your side-nav would show.  See the training examples page for an example of this.

The next easiest (and quickest) way is to create an icon link to each of your sub pages.  There are 35 icons to choose from so you may well find something that works for you.

If you want to use custom images for your menu links, you can create one link per image with 2-column promo image boxes and 3-column promo image boxes, or Landing page boxes.  For 2 links per image, use widescreen promo image boxes (2 Columns), or its 3-column variant.

2. Consider a banner image

Unless you've chosen a landing page (which uses an image in the header), your page may benefit from a full-width image (that is usually also a link) at the top of the page.  There are 4 content types to allow you to do this: Widescreen Landing Page Hero  Carousel, Home Page Hero Image Carousel, Promo Box Large, and College Page Hero Image.

Add a Tag Line

A tag line can be added underneath the page title. This looks especially good on Landing Pages and one-page sites but can work on home pages too.

Enter your tag line here: (then scroll up to the top of the page to see what it looks like)

Suppress Inherited Content

Sometimes your page inherits content that you want to appear on other pages but not this one. On any page, you can suppress this inherited content:

Suppress reserved space for the Rightbar
Suppress the sidebar content
Suppress Downloads Bar (bottom of page)

or Use Your Own Combination of Features

Find your own combination of keywords to use. Here are all the options available. Please note: Some of these options contradict others, so sometimes certain options appear to do nothing. Also, the order in which you apply options may sometimes change the results:

Width: Widescreen Ultra-Wide

Page Type: University Homepage    Sub-site    Landing Page    College Page    No Header    No Left Nav    Discipline Page    News Page 

Other Page Options:
Remove spacing between the top menu and page header
Add spacing between the left bar and page content
Show the left navigation (news pages only)
Suppress reserved space for the Rightbar
Suppress the sidebar content
Suppress Downloads Bar (bottom of page)
Suppress Search and Replace (of University Name)

Recreating this exact page customisation

To replicate this page's current look, use the following settings in your section's Metadata tab:



Sidebar Options

Sidebars normally appear on the right hand side of the page, but you can choose to:

Different Colours

 You can select the colour of your Sidebar content boxes.  Your options are:

You can try it out in here - simply click any of the above colours to see what they look like.