GY301 Science, Year-2 pathway and elective module allocations – a Guide

Year-2 Allocation Procedure

  1. A student is allocated pathways and electives with consideration to student preferences as submitted to the College Office, via the “2nd Year Science Module Selection Form”, by a specified date.
  2. Each student is allocated Year-2 modules to an exact total of 60 credits.
  3. All students are allocated at minimum two Year-2 pathways.
  4. Students must satisfy the Year-1 pre-requisite modules to enter a Year-2 pathway.
  5. Each student will be allocated Year-2 pathways and modules that satisfy entry into at least one approved Year-3 stream, i.e., an approved Year-3 single-subject pathway or approved compatible dual-pathway.
  6. Some pathways have quotas, i.e., a limited number of places. Where a student has specified a preference for a pathway for which there are no places remaining, then the student’s next preference will be considered.  Students progressing in June following the Summer Examinations, are ranked by order of Overall Merit achieved in the First-Year Examinations. In the order of ranking, students with higher Overall Merit are reviewed first for the purposes of allocating pathways.
  7. Some pathways are not approved compatible pathways at Year 2. Where a student has specified a preference for a pathway which is not compatible with a pathway already allocated to the student, then the student’s next preference will be considered.
  8. Some pathways at Year 3 can only be taken as part of a dual-pathway stream. In allocating modules that satisfy entry into at least one Year-3 stream, where a student has been allocated a pathway which can only be taken in Year 3 as part of a dual-pathway, then the next compatible pathway in the student’s preferences will also be allocated.
  9. Students may be allocated up to three pathways at Year 2. In the preferences survey, students are asked to select one of two options which provides indication that the student wishes to forego one of three 20-credit pathway allocations in favour of a selection of two pathways plus elective modules. Students provide ranked preferences for all electives, in addition to their ranked pathways via the preferences survey.
  10. When pathway allocation has been completed for a student, and the total credits for allocated modules for those pathways is less than 60 credits, then modules from the elective list will be allocated to the student, with consideration to the student’s preferences and timetable compatibility.
  11. Information on pathways, electives, and Year-1 pre-requisite modules can be found in the GY301 Science Course Outline document. Students are provided with introductory talks on pathway options throughout First-Year Orientation. Students are provided with a Year-2 Advisory Programme, towards the end of Semester 2 of First Year, usually held in March, prior to submitting their preferences via the “2nd Year Science Module Selection Form” in mid-May.
  12. Students progressing in June following the Summer Examinations, should expect allocations to be communicated to them, by email to their official university email address, no later than the end of July. Students progressing following the Autumn Examinations, should expect allocations to be communicated to them shortly after exam results are released for the Autumn sitting.

Student FAQ:

1. I didn’t receive my first preference, why is that?

We endeavour to satisfy allocation of first preferences for as many students as available places permit. However, some pathways do have limited places. Where a student cannot be allocated their first preference the student will be allocated their second or subsequent preference in accordance with available places.

2. Might I receive an offer of a place for a pathway higher in my preference list, if places become available?

In the event where a place becomes available in a pathway, and there are students that specified that pathway as their 1st preference but did not previously receive an offer, then of those students, the student achieving the highest Overall Year Merit, will be offered that place, and will be contacted by the College Office to inform them of that offer. This is an automatic process, so students do not need to make a change of mind request for this scenario.

3. I received offer of my first preference, but I didn’t receive my second preference, although I achieved a high overall merit from my First-Year examinations, why is that?

Allocated pathways must satisfy timetable compatibility at Year 2 and must satisfy entry into at least one Year-3 stream. After allocation of one pathway, the next compatible pathway may not have been your next preference but a pathway further down in your submitted preference list.

4. I haven’t yet received my pathway and module allocations, but I have changed my mind on what I wish to study, can I indicate a change in my preferences?

The “2nd Year Science Module Selection Form” closed on 15th May 2023.  After this date, students must wait until the change of mind facility opens. This facility opens after allocations are made following the Summer Examinations usually before the end of July.

5. I have received my pathway and module allocations, but I have changed my mind on what I wish to study, can I request a change of allocation?

If your change of mind involves pathways that you had originally placed lower in your preferences than the pathway(s) allocated to you and for which there are places remaining, then you may make such a request. Please note that by submitting a change of mind, you would be giving up your place in a pathway higher up your preference list, and this will not be available to you again. Change of mind requests are reviewed with consideration to a) available places, b) timetable compatibility at Year 2, and c) ensuring entry to a viable Year-3 stream. If a change of mind request can be met within those constraints, then an offer will be communicated to you.

Change of mind requests for pathways and/or electives must be submitted via the GY301 Science Year 2 Pathway & Module allocation – Change of Mind Form 2023-24, no later than 20th August 2023. Before this date, students must use only this form to make a change of mind request, i.e., please do not email individual staff members as your request may get overlooked. Where a change is offered to a student, the student must formally reply to the email to accept that change.  

- Guide version 1: 24.7.23 -