Our 3D scanner is a photogrammetric scanner used in capturing 3D data for training Artificial Intelligence Platforms (AIPs). It consists of over one hundred cameras, and collects a series of high-resolution photographs of people or objects placed inside the scanner and processes these to build a sophisticated 3D model of the participant/object. This model can be further processed in a specialized 3D software framework to rig and animate the model.  

A picture showing the physical form of the 3D scanner is seen below.

 Picture of a 3D scanner

Advanced 3D body and face models can be used to simulate a range of human actions, gestures, expressions and activities. Data from these simulations are then used to build large datasets that are used to train the AIP. In addition to photographic data, the 3D scanner can also be used to aquire speech data, which could be used to train AIPs.

The picture below shows a number of views of the final 3D model generated by the scanner from the 2D photographic images captured.

Examples of 3D models

 This 3D scanner is being used in data acquisition for research on Driver Monitoring Systems and will also used to collect data for our Smart-Toy AIP.

ADAPT - Driver Monitoring Systems

DAVID - Smart Toys