Galway Conference of Irish Studies 2024

If you are travelling from Dublin Airport there are bus links with ‘Go Bus’  and ‘City Link’ Buses take approximately three hours to Galway City Centre. We recommend booking your ticket online as soon as you collect your luggage, as the bus fills up quickly! Aim to arrive at the bay 15 minutes before departure.

You can also get a bus with either ‘Go Bus’ or ‘CityLink’ from Dublin Airport to Heuston Train Station where you can get a train to Galway  The train takes about two and a half hours and arrives at Eyre Square which is in the city centre.Galway's train station is just off Eyre Square. The city is very well serviced by rail and only 2.5 hours away from Dublin. Find out more information on services and timetables.

If you are travelling from Shannon Airport you can get a bus from the airport to Galway City Centre with ‘Bus Eireann’

Galway City public transport: From the city centre, you can take a taxi to the University, or take the No.4 Bus in the direction of Newcastle from Eyre Square, near the train station, which is the normal drop-off point for buses. There is a taxi rank on Eyre Square, and the local taxi hailing app is Free Now

Conference Location
The conference will take place in the Centre for Irish Studies, Martha Fox House, Distillery Road. Some events may also take place in the Hardiman Building, no. 12 on the campus map: NUIG Campus Map [PDF]

Note: The Hardiman building can be accessed by the steps either side of the building or by access ramps. The building has full lift facilities inside. The accessibility route across campus for the mobility impaired and locations of parking bays designated for people with disabilities can found on this Access-Campus Map

There are ‘Pay and Display’ car parks on campus along with a ‘Park and Ride’ option.
Further information about the University parking arrangements including rates and parking maps are here: