
Circular-10-2005: Cost Neutral Early Retirement


 To be eligible to apply for cost neutral early retirement a person must:

(i)                  be serving in a public service body as defined in the Public Service Superannuation (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2004

(ii)                be a member of the superannuation scheme of that body

(iii)               have an entitlement to a preserved superannuation benefit at age 60 or 65, and

(iv)               at the time of resignation, be aged at least 50 if a preserved pension age of 60 applies or be aged at least 55 if a preserved pension age of 65 applies.

The application to draw down cost neutral superannuation benefits must be made not later than the date of resignation - no applications will be accepted from persons who have already resigned.


Circular 23/2022

Limited Appeals Process for option to join Public Service Spouses’ 
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