What are Micro-credentials and where have they come from?

Micro-credentials are small, accredited courses designed to meet the demands of learners, enterprise and organisations, created by Irish Universities Association (IUA) partner universities in consultation with enterprise, under the MicroCreds project. Micro-credentials provide learning opportunities which offer a highly flexible, bite sized and accessible way of upskilling and reskilling. 

Our micro-credentials are credit bearing, research-led and quality assured by leading Irish universities. Learners may choose to undertake an individual micro-credential or continue on studying, advancing their skills and knowledge over time. Some micro-credentials offer pathways, allowing learners the opportunity to stack micro-credentials into a larger credential or award. 

MicroCreds Podcast Series

MicroCreds Podcast Series

Find out more about some of the Micro-credentials on offer at University of Galway

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MicroCreds Introduction Video

An Introduction to the MicroCreds Project

Key Elements

Key Elements of Micro-credentials