Raman Spectrometers

We currently (April 2024) have four operational Raman systems: one workstation ( KOSI), one handheld (Delta Nu), one portable (Ocean Insights), and one for high throughput (Avalon).  All systems operate at 785 nm excitation. 


KOSI workstation:


In Jun. 2013 we took delivery of a Raman Workstation from Kaiser Optical Systems Inc. as part of the Raman Centre of Excellence partnership with KOSI.  
Since the system was installed we have collected some ~15 million spectra.

The system is equipped with:
  • A microscope sampling system with automated stage enabling conventional high throughput screening.
  • A PhAT probe with 50 individually addressable fibers for macro and micro sample applications.
  • 785 nm excitation.
The system is used for a variety of industrial projects including:
  • Small molecule API and excipient contamination analysis.
  • Quantitative analysis of complex cell culture media used in biopharmaceutical manufacturing.
  • Analysis of complex materials using SERS based methods.
  • Nanosuspension analysis.

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Avalon Instruments RamanStation.

Avalon Raman Spectrometer, supplied by BMS. An Avalon Instruments (later bought by Perkin Elmer) system was installed in Dec. 2005 as part of our collaborative project (CBAS) with Bristol Myers-Squibb to develop new analytical methods.

This system is optimized for bulk materials, and high throughput analysis and uses a 785 nm excitation source. There is also a fibre probe attachment for remote sampling.

We had a second, nearly identical system in operation on the Hazard-IQ project during 2006. This system is still going strong (Apr. 2024) and was heaviliy used in the PAT4Nano project collecting data from nanosuspensions of APIs, inorganic materials, and inks. 

Portable Raman (Ocean Insights)

 This portable system comprises of a 785 nm laser, OceanHDX spectrometer, and a non contact probe. 
It's being configured as a low cost option for the analysis of concentrated nanosuspensions (APIs, inorganic materials) as part of the PAT4Nano project.

Delta Nu handheld Raman.

Hand held Raman spectrometer, mostly used for teaching. This is a 785 nm source system which we use mostly for teaching. 

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 Old Raman systems:

 WLabRam view 1e also have a JY Horiba LabRam Infinity which was installed ~2000.  The system is currently not operational.  The system was fitted with 488 and 785 nm excitation sources and a liquid nitrogen cooled CCD.  This was used for a variety of forensic and geological research projects.
A Kaiser Optical RAMANRXN2 1000 Analyzer was loaned to the lab in 2011. The system uses a 993 nm excitation source and has an NIR sensitive InGaS array detector.
The 993 nm excitation allowed us to sample materials that are too fluorescent for our other Raman systems which operate at 785 nm.

We used this system for the quantitative analysis of complex materials used in biopharmaceutical manufacturing. 
Another study used this system for analyzing darkly colored inorganic complexes.

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Tra na Rossan from the Atlantic Drive