Course Schedule

Please see below our Autumn 2023 secondary school courses. Students attend one course for the six-week programme. Our secondary school courses are spread across different time slots. No prior knowledge of any of the subjects is necessary. Courses are subject to change.

Course Day Time
Why do we act the way we do? Practical information for the curious mind (Virtual Course) Friday 6-8pm
Artificial Intelligence: A Step toward the Future Saturday 10-12pm
Ocean Explorers: Unveiling the Wonders of Marine Ecology Saturday 10-12pm
You ARE the Main Character: Actor technique and script work Saturday 1-3pm
A Crash Course in Artificial Intelligence (AI) with Python Saturday 1-3pm

Exploring the microbial world that exists inside your body

Saturday 1-3pm



Exploring the microbial world that exists inside your body 

Your body is home to millions of microbes, and they are all talking about YOU (behind your back!?) 

There is thought to be as many microbes living within and on your body as there is human cells that make up YOU. Most of these microbes reside in your gut, helping themselves to the food that you eat and talking through various signals that you might not even be aware of. Perhaps these microbes know you better than you know yourself… 

In this hands-on course we will examine how the MICROBIOME (that collection of microbes that knows you inside and out) influences human digestion, metabolism and your health. 

The good, the bad, and even the weird- we will dive into everything microbial and uncover the secret language spoken between our bodies and our bodies microbial residents.

Ocean Explorers: Unveiling the Wonders of Marine Ecology

Prepare to embark on an exciting journey to discover the marvels of the ocean and its global ecology. Starting with a broad introduction to ocean ecosystems, students will explore the interconnected food chain and encounter the mesmerizing fauna inhabiting the deep blue.  

As the weeks progress, students will dive deeper into specific marine topics. They will meet the amazing marine mammals, such as whales and dolphins, learning about their unique adaptations and the importance of conservation. Taking on the role of marine biologists, the young learners will explore the adventurous world of marine science, understanding its vital contributions to ocean understanding and protection.  

By the end of the course, these young Ocean Explorers will be equipped with a global understanding of marine ecology, insights into marine biology careers, and a profound commitment to safeguarding our blue planet. Inspired and informed, they will be ready to step forward as advocates for the ocean and its magnificent inhabitants, driving positive change for a sustainable ocean future.  

Throughout the course, we will use engaging visuals, videos, and interactive activities to enhance the learning experience of the concepts we will go through, which include :   

  • Introduction to ocean ecology and its significance   
  • Understanding different ocean zones and the food chain   
  • Marine mammals: adaptations, behaviors, and conservation   
  • The role of marine biologists and field observations   
  • Human impacts on the ocean and the importance of conservation   
  • Inspiring stories of ocean conservation heroes   
  • Envisioning a sustainable future for our oceans   
  • Becoming ocean guardians and advocates    

By the end of the six weeks, students will have gained a global understanding of ocean ecology, appreciation for marine mammals and their conservation, insights into the role of marine biologists, and a heightened awareness of anthropic risks to the ocean. They will be empowered to take actions to protect our oceans and become advocates for marine life conservation.

Why do we act the way we do? Practical information for the curious mind (Virtual Course)

Psychology is the science that studies human behaviour and mental processes. Psychology encompasses all (or almost all) aspects of human experience, from the functions of the brain to the actions of nations, from child development to the care of the elderly. In this six-week course we will take a look at some of these areas. We will discuss how human behaviour works and how psychology is able to study it, and how the human processes have not changed that much since we were prehistoric people in caves. We will also learn why psychology is a science and what areas a psychologist can work in. Also, following the guidelines of forensic psychology and criminal profiling, we will learn how to make a personality profile. We will engage in the classic nature vs. nurture debate, trying to understand why we act the way we do, and what makes us do it. Are we predetermined or do we learn it from our environment? Finally, we will also look at the dark side of psychology, and how we can learn from the past.

To do this, we will not only learn theory about diverse areas of psychology, but we will also do practical group activities and discussions in order to encourage critical thinking and apply it to our daily lives. At the end of the course, our students will be able to answer the following questions:

1. Is psychology a science?

2. What are the emotions and how can we regulate them?

3. What is personality profiling?

4. What are the ethical implications of experiments?

5. Is our personality determined or are we influenced by our environment?

You ARE the Main Character: Actor technique and script work

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be an actor in a professional play? What do their rehearsals look like? How do they learn all those lines? What's it really like to be the main character?

This 6 week drama course will give students the chance to work with a real theatre script and allow them to take centre stage as they learn the basics of actor technique. Students will be grouped into scenes of 2-3 actors and given a chunk of text from a play that we will analyse together and then bring to life. Some of the skills we cover will include:

-Vocal technique: warm-ups, engaging the diaphragm, projection, clarity

-Character building: identity, physicality, personality, dramaturgy

-Script analysis: creating units and beats, actioning and objectives

-Staging: different theatrical forms, using and filling the space, blocking

...and of course, we'll have some fun with drama games and improvisation sessions too :)

By the end of the course, every student will have experienced what it is like to work with a substantial scene for the stage. It's time to show everyone that you really are the main character!