Wednesday, 30 August 2023

Research at University of Galway and MIT pioneers intelligent device to sense its environment and adapt to release drugs as required, despite surrounding scar tissue   Research teams at University of Galway and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have detailed a new breakthrough in medical device technology that could lead to intelligent, long-lasting, tailored treatment for patients thanks to soft robotics and artificial intelligence.  The transatlantic partnership has created a smart implantable device that can administer a drug - while also sensing when the body is beginning to reject it - and use AI to change its shape of the device to maintain drug dosage, simultaneously bypassing scar tissue build up and maintaining treatment.   The study was published in the journal Science Robotics.  Implantable medical device technologies offer promise to unlock advanced therapeutic interventions in healthcare, such as insulin release to treat diabetes, but a major issue holding back such devices is the patient’s reaction to a foreign body.  Dr Rachel Beatty, University of Galway, and co-lead author on the study, explained: “The technology which we have developed, by using soft robotics, advances the potential of implantable devices to be in a patient’s body for extended periods, providing long-lasting therapeutic action. Imagine a therapeutic implant that can also sense its environment and respond as needed using AI - this approach could generate revolutionary changes in implantable drug delivery for a range of chronic diseases.” The University of Galway-MIT research team originally developed first-generation flexible devices, known as soft robotic implants, to improve drug delivery and reduce fibrosis. Despite that success, the team regard the technology as one-size-fits-all as it did not account for how individual patients react and respond differently, or for the progressive nature of fibrosis, where scar tissue builds around the device, encapsulating it, impeding and blocking its purpose, eventually forcing it to fail.  The latest research published today in Science Robotics demonstrates how they have significantly advanced the technology - using AI - making it responsive to the implant environment with the potential to be longer lasting by defending against the body’s natural urge to reject a foreign body. Dr Beatty added: “I wanted to tailor drug delivery to individuals, but needed to create a method of sensing the foreign body response first.”    The research team deployed an emerging technique to help reduce scar tissue formation known as mechanotherapy, where soft robotic implants make regular movements in the body, such as inflating and deflating. The timed, repetitive or varied movements helps to prevent scar tissue from forming.  The key to the advanced technology in the implantable device is a conductive porous membrane that can sense when pores are blocked by scar tissue. It detects the blockages as cells and the materials the cells produce block electrical signals travelling through the membrane.  The researchers measured electrical impedance and scar tissue formation on the membrane finding a correlation. A machine learning algorithm was also developed and deployed to predict the required number and force of actuations to achieve consistent drug dosing, regardless of the level of fibrosis present. And, using computer simulations, the researchers explored the potential of the device to release drug over time with a surrounding fibrotic capsule of different thicknesses.  The research showed that changing the force and number of times the device was compelled to move or change shape allowed the device to release more drug, helping to bypass scar tissue build-up. Professor Ellen Roche, Professor of Mechanical Engineering at MIT, said: “If we can sense how the individual’s immune system is responding to an implanted therapeutic device and modify the dosing regime accordingly, it could have great potential in personalized, precision drug delivery, reducing off-target effects and ensuring the right amount of drug is delivered at the right time. The work presented here is a step towards that goal.” Professor Garry Duffy, Professor of Anatomy and Regenerative Medicine at University of Galway, and senior author on the study, said: “The device worked out the best regime to release a consistent dose, by itself, even when significant fibrosis was simulated. We showed a worst-case scenario of very thick and dense scar tissue around the device and it overcame this by changing how it pumps to deliver medication. We could finely control the drug release in a computational model and on the bench using soft robotics, regardless of significant fibrosis.” The research team believe that their medical device breakthrough may pave the way for completely independent closed-loop implants that not only reduce fibrotic encapsulation, but sense it over time, and intelligently adjust their drug release activity in response.  Professor Duffy added: “This is a new area of research that can have implications in other places and is not solely limited for the treatment of diabetes. Our discovery could provide consistent and responsive dosing over long periods, without clinician involvement, enhancing efficacy and reducing the need for device replacement because of fibrosis.” The research was funded in part by Science Foundation Ireland’s Research Centres for Advanced Materials and BioEngineering Research (AMBER) centre and Medical Devices (CÚRAM), the European Union’s Horizon 2020 framework and the Mechanical Engineering Department at MIT.   The full study is available in Science Robotics at Ends

Thursday, 31 August 2023

Tá tairiscintí déanta ag Ollscoil na Gaillimhe do bheagnach 4,000 mac léinn ionchasacha mar chuid de Bhabhta a hAon de phróiseas an CAO. Thug Uachtarán Ollscoil na Gaillimhe, an tOllamh Ciarán Ó hÓgartaigh, agus an tUachtarán Ionaid agus Meabhránaí, an tOllamh Pól Ó Dochartaigh, aitheantas don iarracht agus don éacht a rinne lucht na hArdteistiméireachta 2023, a tháinig slán trí bhlianta tábhachtacha na hiar-bhunscoile i rith Phaindéim Covid 19. Chuir Ollscoil na Gaillimhe in iúl cad iad na hathruithe atá ar phointí an CAO i gceithre Choláiste na hOllscoile. Don tríú bliain as a chéile agus tar éis bliain eile ina raibh éileamh níos airde ná riamh, a bheag nó a mhór, ar áiteanna ardoideachais, tá súil ag Ollscoil na Gaillimhe go mbeidh thart ar 3,500 mac léinn fochéime ag tosú sa chéad bhliain. -      Tháinig ardú ar na pointí i mbeagnach leath de chúrsaí na hOllscoile. -      Tá níos mó clár ag an Ollscoil sa raon a bhfuil 500 pointe ag dul leis ná mar atá i réimsí eile, agus tá gach clár Innealtóireachta agus Dlí, go háirithe, agus gach clár Tráchtála os cionn 500 pointe seachas ceann amháin. -      Tá níos mó éilimh ar na Dána agus ar chúrsaí atá dírithe ar an gcruthaitheacht. Is léiriú é sin ar luach ár gcomhpháirtíochtaí straitéiseacha leanúnacha oideachais le Féile Idirnáisiúnta Ealaíon na Gaillimhe agus Druid, agus ar Ghaillimh mar chathair agus mar ollscoil chruthaitheach. Ina measc seo tá Iriseoireacht; na Meáin Dhomhanda; Ceol; Drámaíocht, Amharclannaíocht agus Taibhléiriú; Stair; -      I réimse an Oideachais Múinteoirí, tá ardú 3 phointe ar na Dána (Matamaitic agus Oideachas) go 418; agus tá ardú 10 bpointe go 435 ar Oideachas (Ríomheolaíocht & Matamaitic), rud a léiríonn go bhfuil spéis ag daoine sa teagasc agus san oideachas. Is dea-thuar é sin do na glúnta atá le teacht agus don tsochaí.  -      I gcúram sláinte, de bhrí go bhfuil teorainn leis an líon áiteanna atá ar fáil, is rogha randamach a bheidh sa Leigheas, in ainneoin titim bheag a bheith ar na pointí; tá méadú 10 bpointe tagtha ar na pointí don Chnáimhseachas go 463; agus tá titim bheag ar phointí an Altranais. -      Tá méadú leanúnach ar an éileamh ar chláir i gColáiste Ósta na Sionna atá nasctha leis an earnáil bainistíochta fáilteachais, agus d’ardaigh na pointí ansin. -      Maidir leis na heolaíochtaí, tá méadú suntasach 17 bpointe tagtha ar Mhuireolaíocht go 477; agus tá ardú 56 pointe go 566 ar Eolaíocht Mhatamaitice; ardú 14 phointe go 454 ar an bhFisic; agus tá ardú 11 go 521 ar phointí na Ríomheolaíochta agus na Teicneolaíochta Faisnéise. -      Ní raibh ach clár amháin ann a raibh laghdú de níos mó ná 50 pointe air – Eolaíocht Chomhshaoil. -      San Innealtóireacht, mhéadaigh ar an éileamh a bhí ar chúig cinn de na hocht gclár atá againn – Innealtóireacht Córas Fuinnimh, d’ardaigh na pointí go 520; Innealtóireacht Shibhialta, d’ardaigh na pointí go 512; Innealtóireacht Leictreonach agus Ríomhaireachta, d’ardaigh na pointí go 532; Innealtóireacht Leictreach agus Leictreonach, d’ardaigh na pointí go 510; agus Innealtóireacht (Neamhainmnithe), d’ardaigh na pointí go 533. -      As na seacht gclár inar tháinig laghdú suntasach ar na pointí in 2022, mhéadaigh an t-éileamh ar chúig cinn díobh i mbliana – Na Dána le Cearta an Duine; Na Dána - Drámaíocht, Amharclannaíocht agus Taibhléiriú; Na Dána leis an Iriseoireacht; Na Meáin Dhomhanda; Innealtóireacht Leictreonach agus Ríomhaireachta -      Tháinig méadú ar na pointí a bhí ag dul le 30 clár ó 2022 agus tháinig laghdú ar na pointí i leith 30 clár eile. Bhí an méid seo a leanas le rá ag an Ollamh Ciarán Ó hÓgartaigh, Uachtarán Ollscoil na Gaillimhe: “Comhghairdeas le lucht na hArdteiste 2023 a léirigh go raibh an-teacht aniar iontu ina gcuid staidéir. Tá tús á chur le heachtra nua anois. “Tá fáilte chroíúil roimh na mic léinn sin go léir a ghlacfaidh leis an tairiscint ar Ollscoil na Gaillimhe agus féadfaidh siad foghlaim faoina thábhachtaí atá na luachanna atá againn – meas, oscailteacht, barr feabhais agus inbhuanaitheacht.” Bhí an méid seo le rá ag Uachtarán Ionaid agus Meabhránaí Ollscoil na Gaillimhe, an tOllamh Pól Ó Dochartaigh: “Tréaslaím le gach uile dhalta a bhfuil a gcuid oideachais iar-bhunscoile críochnaithe acu agus a rinne an Ardteistiméireacht in 2023. Is daltaí iad seo ar chuir Paindéim Covid 19 isteach go mór orthu. “Tá obair iontach á déanamh arís ag ár bhfoireann clárúcháin in Ollscoil na Gaillimhe chun cuidiú leis na mic léinn a bheidh chugainn i mí Mheán Fómhair.  “Cuirimid fáilte roimh gach duine ar éirigh leo sna scrúduithe agus atá ag glacadh leis an tairiscint teacht go hOllscoil na Gaillimhe. “I lár an cheiliúrtha agus iarrachtaí na foirne a chinntiú go mbeidh áiteanna ann don oiread mac léinn agus is féidir tá súil againn freisin go dtapóidh an Rialtas an deis as seo go ceann bliana tosú ag tabhairt aghaidh ar cheist na ngrád méadaithe i scrúduithe na hArdteistiméireachta agus córas níos cothroime a chur i bhfeidhm do gach mac léinn atá ag cur isteach ar chláir fochéime.” Críoch 

Wednesday, 30 August 2023

University of Galway has made offers to almost 4,000 prospective students as part of Round One of the CAO process. President of University of Galway Professor Ciarán Ó hÓgartaigh and Deputy President and Registrar Professor Pól Ó Dochartaigh joined to acknowledge the effort and achievement of the Leaving Certificate class of 2023, who have come through formative post-primary years in the midst of the Covid pandemic. University of Galway outlined CAO points changes across all four of the University’s Colleges. For the third year running and on the back of another year of near record demand for places in higher education, University of Galway expects to see an intake of around 3,500 first year undergraduate students. Almost half of the University’s courses experienced an increase in points.  The University has more programmes in 500 range than in other ranges, and noticeably, all Engineering and Law programmes are above 500 points and all except one Commerce programme. There is a resurgence in demand for Arts and courses with a strong creativity theme, an indication of the value of our continuing strategic education partnerships with the Galway International Arts Festival and Druid and of Galway as a creative city and university. These include Journalism; Global Media; Music; Drama, Theatre and Performance; History. In the area of Teacher Education, Arts (Mathematics and Education) is up 3 to 418; while Education (Computer Science & Mathematics) shows an increase of 10 points to 435, indicating an interest in teaching and education, so important for the future generations and the fabric of our society.   In healthcare, given the limit on numbers, Medicine will be random selection, despite a small drop in the points requirement; Midwifery is seeing a 10 point increase to 463; while Nursing is seeing a slight fall.  Shannon College of Hotel Management and its programmes linked to the hospitality management sector continue to see an increase in demand, with points up. On the sciences, Marine Science is up a significant 17 points to 477; while Mathematical Science is up 56 points to 566; Physics up 14 to 454; and Computer Science and Information Technology is up 11 to 521. In Engineering, five of our eight programmes show an increase in demand – Energy Systems Engineering up to 520; Civil Engineering up to 512; Electronic and Computer Engineering up to 532; Electrical and Electronic Engineering up to 510; and Engineering (Undenominated) up to 533.  Of the seven programmes which saw a significant decrease in points requirement in 2022, five see an increase in demand this year - Arts with Human Rights; Arts - Drama, Theatre and Performance; Arts with Journalism; Global Media; Electronic and Computer Engineering Some 30 programmes experienced points increases and another 30 programmes experienced points decreases from 2022. Professor Ciarán Ó hÓgartaigh, President of University of Galway, said: “Comhghairdeas to the Leaving Cert class of 2023 who have demonstrated remarkable resilience over their studies. A new adventure now begins. “A warm welcome awaits all those students who take up the offer to come to University of Galway and to learn for themselves the importance that we place on our values of respect, openness, excellence and sustainability.” University of Galway Deputy President and Registrar Professor Pól Ó Dochartaigh said: “I congratulate each and every student who has navigated their post-primary years and the Leaving Cert in 2023, particularly as this year’s class felt such an impact from the Covid pandemic. “Our registration team at University of Galway is once again doing stellar work to facilitate our students joining us this September.  “We welcome all those who have achieved in the exams and are taking up an offer to come to University of Galway and to learn for themselves the importance that we place on our values of respect, openness, excellence and sustainability. “In the midst of the celebrations and endeavours of staff to secure places for as many students as possible we also hope that the Government seizes the opportunity in the coming year to begin to address the issue of inflated grades in the Leaving Cert exams and to put in place a fairer playing field for all students who are applying for undergraduate programmes.” Ends

Tuesday, 29 August 2023

A joint study, led by the University of Greenwich with support from University of Galway, Massey University, and Brighton and Sussex Medical School, has collected anecdotal experiences of sexual misconduct in post-primary schools in Ireland and the UK.     A total of 593 respondents from Ireland (224) and the UK (369) completed the survey.    All respondents took park in the survey because they had experienced some form of sexual harassment or misconduct by a teacher during their time in secondary school.     The study, which is the first of its kind in Europe, recruited respondents (who had to be over the age of 18) to participate via various social media platforms, including Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. The study recruitment social media post read: “Did you experience any sexually inappropriate comments or behaviour from a teacher during your time in secondary school (or 6th form college (UK))? Anonymously share your experience in this 5-min survey”.    The full report is available here    Overall, sexist harassment by a teacher was the most commonly experienced form of misconduct experienced by both Irish (86%) and UK (95%) respondents, for example, being treated differently because of their gender. The second most commonly experienced was sexual harassment (72% and 85% in Ireland and the UK respectively). Common forms of sexual harassment included making offensive remarks about the student’s physical appearance or sexual activity, and making attempts to discuss sexual matters with the student.     Kate Dawson, Lecturer in Psychology at the University of Greenwich and lead author of the study said: “The findings indicate that some teachers need specific training regarding what constitutes appropriate and inappropriate behaviour.   “Reporting mechanisms also need to be put in place that enable students, or concerned school staff, to report misconduct without fear of repercussions. These preliminary findings need to be investigated further within a larger sample to find out how prevalent this issue is in UK and Irish schools.”    Pádraig MacNeela, Senior Lecturer at University of Galway and co-author of the study; said: “This study sheds light on an important issue for the first time. It demonstrates that the culture change we need to support in our education settings is wide ranging. It includes supporting staff who work in post-primary schools to speak up and address staff-student harassment if they ever encounter it”.    The responses collected highlighted a wide range of first-hand experiences:    “The teacher took me to [private location] and lifted up my [shirt] to rub my breast and nipple ‘to help regulate my breathing’.”  (Age undisclosed, Female, Irish Respondent)    “Constantly [flirting]. Friends said he was flirting but I wasn’t sure. When I left school [he] contacted me and asked me on a date.” (25-34, Female, Irish Respondent)    “The female deputy head used to measure the length of our skirts and said they had to be a certain length ‘out of respect for male members of staff’.”  (18-24, Female, UK respondent)    Among the UK respondents, 98% were female, 1.5% were male, and 0.3% identified as genderqueer or non-conforming. 65% of respondents were 25-34, at the time of study participation.    Among the Irish respondents, the majority identified as a woman, 88%; 9% identified as a man; and 3.1% identified as genderqueer or non-conforming. Most respondents were age 18-34, 31%; 26% were 25-34; and 21% were 35-44 at the time they completed the survey. The remaining sample were aged 45 and over.   Ends 

Monday, 28 August 2023

Cancer researchers at University of Galway and Notre Dame’s Harper Cancer Research Institute have come together to establish the Biseach Initiative, a strategic cancer research collaboration, which aims to build on the ideas, talent and infrastructure of both universities for global cancer impact.   Thousands of Notre Dame alumni and fans visited Ireland last week for the Aer Lingus College Football Classic between Notre Dame and US Navy. With a tagline of “Much more than a Game”, the event aims to strengthen existing relationships and form new ones between Ireland and the US.   It is fitting then that this week Professor M. Sharon Stack, Director of the University of Notre Dame Harper Cancer Research Institute, and Professor Michael Kerin, Director of the Saolta-University of Galway Cancer Centre, signed a memorandum of understanding at University of Galway to build interdisciplinary cancer research collaborations and strengthen links between both institutions through student and faculty exchange programmes.    To date there have been collaborative successes with joint Naughton Fellowships in the areas of bone metastasis and kidney cancer. Further research collaborations are planned with researchers in the Lambe Institute, Centre for Chromosome Biology, and the Apoptosis Research Centre at University of Galway.    Notre Dame undergraduates are hosted annually by research academics in University of Galway’s Colleges of Science and Engineering, and Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences, as part of the Study Abroad in Galway  Programme. These students help to form a collaborative bridge between both institutions.   Professor M. Sharon Stack, Director, University of Notre Dame Harper Cancer Research Institute, said: “We know research cures cancer and we are stronger together. There is a wealth of scientific and clinical research expertise at the Harper Cancer Research Institute and University of Galway. The Biseach Initiative, enabled by the Notre Dame Kylemore Global Centre, harnesses the appetite for collaboration, to further translational cancer research and provide educational and development opportunities for our students and research leaders.”   Professor Michael Kerin, Director, Saolta-University of Galway Cancer Centre, said: “The west and northwest of Ireland have some of the worst outcomes from cancer nationally. We aim to change this by developing a comprehensive, research-led cancer centre for our region. This research collaboration with the University of Notre Dame will allow us to make a real difference to cancer outcomes.”   Lisa Caulfield, Director, University of Notre Dame Global Centre at Kylemore, said: “The Kylemore Global Centre situated in the heart of Connemara is a place where the University of Notre Dame engages with the landscape and the wider Irish community in meaningful and authentic ways. Together with our local partners such as the University of Galway - we strive to provide multi-disciplinary programming for leaders, thinkers, and creators with a focus on advancing research, forming community, and nourishing collaborations such as the Biseach Initiative.”   The Biseach Initiative began in 2019 when a delegation from the Harper Cancer Research Institute visited University of Galway. Students and academics from both Universities have visited each other to develop the collaboration, supported by the University of Galway International Office and the Notre Dame Kylemore Abbey Global Centre. In 2021 both Universities hosted online research symposia, and this was followed up by a cancer research retreat at the Kylemore Global Centre in 2022.  Ends   

Monday, 28 August 2023

Biomedical Engineering student begins preparations for the Walker Cup – the pinnacle of the sport for amateur players    University of Galway has heralded the achievement of student Liam Nolan as he prepares this week for the Walker Cup – the pinnacle of the sport for amateur golfers.   Liam Nolan is one of 10 players to have been selected for the Great Britain & Ireland team to compete against the US in the 49th Walker Cup match at St Andrews on the weekend of September 2 & 3, 2023.   He is also playing in the renowned competition at the home of golf as he embarks on his fourth year in Biomedical Engineering at University of Galway.    Deputy President and Registrar Professor Pól Ó Dochartaigh said: “On behalf of our University community, I’d like to send a message of congratulations and best wishes to Liam Nolan for the Walker Cup. Our University takes great delight and a deep sense of pride in celebrating the achievements of our students, as well as our staff, whether that’s in research breakthroughs, community engagement, volunteering, academic achievement and competing, as Liam is, at the top of their game on a world stage. We look forward to many more sporting achievements at the University in the year ahead.”    Liam Nolan said: “I’m over the moon on the pick. It’s nice following all the work over the last few years to see it pay off and get given the chance to represent GB&I in the Walker Cup. The Americans have an amazing team but the fact that we’re so used to links golf, growing up on it, gives us a great chance against them. I am really looking forward to the week.”    Mike Heskin, Director of Sport at University of Galway, said: “Liam Nolan is a great role model and an ambassador not only for University of Galway but also Galway Golf Club and the west of Ireland. We are delighted to have been able to support Liam through the University’s High Performance Unit. Along with many other sports and athletes at the University and their achievements, Liam’s selection for the Walker Cup demonstrates the unique value of being able to support, coach and mentor students at a high level of sport and competition.”    Liam Nolan is a Galway native and his home club is Galway Golf Club. He won the South American Amateur Open in January of this year and the Brabazon Trophy in May. He has also represented Ireland in the European Team Championships and Home Internationals this year.    He is one of only four Irish golfers to have made the Walker Cup team, joining St Andrews Links Trophy winner Alex Maguire (Laytown & Bettystown); US Mid-Amateur champion Matthew McClean (Malone); and 2021 Walker Cupper Mark Power (Kilkenny) have been named in Stuart Wilson’s squad.   The biennial challenge is taking place over the Old Course at St Andrew’s in Scotland, just over a week from now, on Saturday and Sunday, September 2 and 3, marking 100 years since it was first played at the home of golf.   Ends 

Monday, 28 August 2023

International research team, led by University of Galway, reveal previously unknown source of powerful climate change driver black carbon  Air quality studies show pollution levels in Dublin have rivalled those in Beijing    An international team of researchers from Ireland, China and India, led out of University of Galway, has exposed previously unrealised health and climate impacts from the use of domestic firelighters.   The research was published in the prestigious scientific journal npj Climate and Atmospheric Science – Nature, and is part of the pilot AEROSOURCE initiative - funded by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Department of Environment, Climate and Communications - that aims to supports climate and air pollution policies in Ireland. The study found that firelighters used for open fires and stoves in the home - even if used in small quantities and for a short period of time - emit more black carbon than all biomass fuels put together.  Professor Jurgita Ovadnevaite, deputy director of the Ryan Institute Centre for Climate and Air Pollution Studies at University of Galway and coordinating scientist of the international research project, said: “Black carbon is one of the main pollutants that affect air quality, acting as a climate forcer or driver, second only to carbon dioxide. While the effect was revealed in Ireland, the impact of it is relevant to other European countries, the UK, and worldwide, especially now with a rebound in the use of solid fuel stoves due to the energy crisis.” The research team describe the impact of firelighter use in home heating and the release of black carbon as a significant and previously overlooked source of air pollution. Firelighters are kerosene-based and contain hydrocarbon alkane. They noted that there are an estimated 70 million wood burning stoves, open fires and other solid fuel heating appliances in homes across Europe alone, while an EPA report from 2022 indicates an increase in the number of households switching to solid fuel fires, rather than a decline - a trend which may become more acute in the midst of the energy cost crisis. Professor Jurgita Ovadnevaite added: “The potentially toxic particulate air pollutants, like black carbon, not only affect people’s health but play a significant role in climate change and uncertainty of climate predictions. Unfortunately, there is no silver lining in this cloud over human health and climate change until the promotion of solid biomass fires and the use of firelighters for ignition is replaced by a co-benefit policy.” The analysis of air quality took place in south Dublin in 2016 and subsequent years, and included data recorded by the monitoring stations controlled by the EPA.  The research showed: In 2016, average black carbon levels in Dublin, supposedly a clean European city, rivaled those in Beijing. Data on concentrations showed disconcerting and comparable figures for black carbon in particulate matter - in Dublin: >7 micrograms of black carbon per cubic metre of air (μg m−3); in Beijing 5.5 μg m−3; and in Dehli: 15.9 μg m−3. More recent data from the AEROSOURCE network shows that black carbon concentrations in Dublin in winter 2022/23 are just below 1 μg m−3, while in Beijing it is on the order of 1-2.5 µg m-3.  The mixture of pollutants emitted by kerosene-based firelighters and solid fuel burning results in a strong localised air heating effect, reducing the volume in which pollutants are dispersed (aka boundary layer height), further leading to high self-amplified air pollution levels. Black carbon, which is emitted by firelighters, and organic aerosol, which is produced by solid biomass burning, combine to result in a more powerful climate warming effect. Despite generally good air quality in Ireland thanks to Atlantic weather patterns, the AEROSOURCE research revealed that extreme air pollution events, spanning most populated areas across the country, occur frequently in wintertime and during these times concentrations of air pollutants exceed levels recommended for health.  The research identified extraordinarily high concentrations of some particulate matter – classed as submicron – which are smaller than 1 micrometre. The research team noted that air pollution is also the single biggest environmental health risk, causing more than 7 million premature deaths per year worldwide, according to the World Health Organization.  Dr Chunshui Lin, a lead author of the paper who conducted the study while at University of Galway, said: “This study demonstrates how critical it is to augment regulatory air quality networks with sophisticated instrumentation that can provide information on air pollution sources and can identify the main air pollution culprits and reveal their effects on both air quality and climate.” Professor Colin O'Dowd, Director of the Ryan Institute Centre for Climate and Air Pollution Studies at University of Galway, said: “Compounds consisting of carbon are known to be diverse in source and nature resulting in more complex challenges in terms of understanding their contributions to air pollution and climate, and in determining their sources. Without this, effective pollution control and climate change mitigation strategies cannot be developed. However, these carbonaceous compounds are not routinely measured in regulatory air quality networks." To read the full scientific paper, visit: Ends 

Tuesday, 22 August 2023

Professor Martin O’Halloran secures record level of prestigious research awards   University of Galway researcher Professor Martin O’Halloran has been awarded a European Research Council (ERC) Proof of Concept grant worth €150,000.  This latest accolade for Professor O’Halloran brings his total ERC awards to seven with a combined value of €4.25million in funding since 2015, making him the joint-highest ERC awardee in Ireland. The ERC Proof of Concept is being awarded for his research work on NeuroProtect - a novel therapy to prevent peripheral neuropathy in patients undergoing chemotherapy. The side-effect results in nerves located outside of the brain and spinal cord (peripheral nerves) being damaged and can lead to weakness, numbness and pain, usually in the hands and feet which can cause significant disability and pain for cancer patients. Professor O’Halloran is Techrete Professor of Medical Electronics, Executive Director of the University of Galway-Enterprise Ireland funded BioInnovate Ireland and Director of the Translational Medical Device Lab at the College of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences at University of Galway. His research projects to have been awarded ERC grants include: BioElecPro - Examining the electrical properties of human tissue as a platform for new medical devices Realta - Microwave ablation for the treatment of adrenal tumours Draiocht - Medical device for the treatment of varicose veins Hydrolieve - A long-lasting drug-free effective treatment for chronic Trigeminal Neuralgia pain EndoSolve - A novel medical device for the treatment of Endometriosis Arth-Alleve - Development of novel therapies for osteoarthritis pain Speaking about the ERC Proof of Concept award for NeuroProtect, Professor O’Halloran said: “This represents our seventh European Research Council grant since 2015, and addresses a medical problem significant to cancer patients - to minimise the long-term side effects of chemotherapy. It builds on ever growing collaborations between engineering and medicine at the University, and we hope to have an impact in the clinic in the very near future.” Professor Jim Livesey, Vice-President Research and Innovation at University of Galway, said: “The record ERC awards for Professor O’Halloran are a striking recognition of the quality and level of research he and his teams are leading at University of Galway, as well as the potential for impact on people’s quality of life. The ERC awards also demonstrate the role which our University plays regionally, nationally and internationally and its value in the medtech sector on a global stage.” Proof of Concept grants are awarded to ERC grant holders as top-up funding to explore the commercial or innovation potential of the results of their ERC-funded research. Ends

Tuesday, 22 August 2023

University of Galway and University of Galway Students’ Union have launched a pilot programme distributing free period products across campus to tackle the issue of period poverty among students and staff. The pilot stems from an initiative that was launched by the Students’ Union in 2017 to address the serious financial pressures and taboos faced by students who menstruate. The University is now funding and supporting the pilot programme to supply more free items in locations across campus for those who need them. The high cost of period products and the societal stigma which can still be attached to menstruation can lead to exclusion, mental health impacts and the use of unsuitable alternatives by those who menstruate. This programme aims to combat these issues and foster an inclusive, open campus with access for all. Students’ Union Vice President/Welfare Officer Izzy Tiernan said: “Period poverty and hygiene poverty are very real issues for our 19,000 student members. We are delighted that the University is supporting this pilot programme. We are calling on the Government to act now on the “Period Poverty in Ireland Report” from February 2021. Students have enough financial worries as it is with the cost of living crisis and spiraling rents, and we firmly believe the Government needs to mitigate the cost of these essential healthcare products for all.” Josephine Walsh, Head of Student Engagement at University of Galway, said: “Student Services at the University are delighted to be able to support the Students’ Union on this important initiative and policy for students. It is symbolic recognition by the University of the very real issues that our students face and even moreso we know it will make a very real difference in their lives.” University of Galway Deputy President and Registrar Professor Pól Ó Dochartaigh said: “We are proud of the initiative that was taken by our students and their representatives, and as a University we are delighted that we are able to follow their lead and support efforts to alleviate cost and the effects of period poverty. Our new policy of free period products at University of Galway is a strong symbol of progress and how we can work together, with our students, to ensure better outcomes and respond to need.” Ends   

Tuesday, 15 August 2023

Almost 2,000 students are being conferred by University of Galway this week as part of the Autumn Conferring ceremonies.  The celebrations for undergraduate, postgraduate and PhD degrees take place from today until Friday August 18. Professor Maria Byrne was also conferred with a Doctor of Science (DSc) on Published Work. Degrees on published work are higher doctorates and are the highest qualifications awarded by the University. They are awarded to scholars who have, over a sustained period, published a substantial body of ground-breaking and influential work in a field of specialisation and who have achieved outstanding distinction internationally in that field. An alum of University of Galway, Maria is Professor of Marine Biology at the University of Sydney, a member of the Sydney Environment Institute, and former Director of the university's research station on One Tree Island. She is the co-editor of Australian Echinoderms which won the 2018 Whitley Medal. Professor Byrne has been publishing her research on Echinodermata since the early 1980s and was elected Fellow of the Australian Academy of Science in 2019. Professor Ciarán Ó hÓgartaigh, University of Galway President, said: “I am delighted to be able to meet so many graduates of University of Galway who are returning to our campus for this celebration. This is an exceptional place, and our graduates are exceptional people. Reflecting our values of respect and excellence, I would like to congratulate each of them for their dedication, resilience, and determination over the course of their studies with us. Graduation is a special day for students and I am pleased that we are able to celebrate their achievements with their family, friends, fans and our staff members. We wish them the very best for the future, their future.” Over the four days a range of degrees will be awarded to graduates from the College of Science and Engineering, College of Business, Public Policy and Law, College of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences and the College of Arts, Social Sciences and Celtic Studies. The full schedule for the University’s Autumn Conferring ceremonies is available at  Ends

Tuesday, 15 August 2023

Tá beagnach 2,000 céim á mbronnadh ag Ollscoil na Gaillimhe an tseachtain seo mar chuid de shearmanais Bhronnta an Fhómhair.  Beidh an ceiliúradh d'fhochéimeanna, iarchéimeanna agus céimeanna PhD ar siúl ó inniu go dtí Dé hAoine, an 18 Lúnasa. Bronnadh Dochtúireacht Eolaíochta (DSc) as Obair Fhoilsithe ar an Ollamh Maria Byrne freisin. Is ard-dochtúireachtaí iad céimeanna a bhronntar as saothar foilsithe, agus is iad na cáilíochtaí is airde a bhronntar san Ollscoil iad. Bronntar iad ar scoláirí a bhfuil bailiúchán de shaothar úrnua agus cumhachtach i réimse speisialtóireachta foilsithe acu, thar thréimhse áirithe, agus a bhfuil aitheantas den scoth bainte amach acu go hidirnáisiúnta sa réimse sin. Is céimí de chuid Ollscoil na Gaillimhe í Maria, agus tá sí ina hOllamh le Bitheolaíocht Mhara agus Fhorbarthach in Ollscoil Sydney, ina ball d’Institiúid Timpeallachta Sydney, agus ina hiar-Stiúrthóir ar stáisiún taighde na hollscoile ar One Tree Island. Tá sí ina comheagarthóir ar Australian Echinoderms a bhuaigh Bonn Whitley in 2018. Tá an tOllamh Byrne ag foilsiú a cuid taighde ar Echinodermata ó thús na 1980idí agus toghadh ina Comhalta d’Acadamh Eolaíochta na hAstráile in 2019 í. Dúirt an tOllamh Ciarán Ó hÓgartaigh, Uachtarán Ollscoil na Gaillimhe: “Tá lúcháir orm bualadh leis an oiread sin céimithe de chuid Ollscoil na Gaillimhe atá ag filleadh ar ár gcampas don cheiliúradh seo. Is áit eisceachtúil í seo, agus is daoine eisceachtúla iad ár gcéimithe. Agus ár luachanna measa agus barr feabhais á léiriú againn, ba mhaith liom comhghairdeas a dhéanamh le gach duine acu as a dtiomantas, a neart agus a ndíograis le linn a gcuid staidéir linn. Is lá speisialta é bronnadh na gcéimeanna do mhic léinn agus tá áthas orm go bhfuilimid in ann a gcuid éachtaí a cheiliúradh lena dteaghlach, lena gcairde, lena lucht leanúna agus lenár gcomhaltaí foirne. Guímid gach rath ort amach anseo.” Déanfar raon céimeanna a bhronnadh i rith na gceithre lá ar chéimithe ó Choláiste na hEolaíochta agus na hInnealtóireachta, Coláiste an Ghnó, an Bheartais Phoiblí agus an Dlí, Coláiste an Leighis, an Altranais agus na nEolaíochtaí Sláinte agus Coláiste na nDán, na nEolaíochtaí Sóisialta agus an Léinn Cheiltigh. Tá sceideal iomlán shearmanais bhronnta an Fhómhair le fáil ag Críoch

Thursday, 3 August 2023

Tá fáilte mhór curtha ag Ollscoil na Gaillimhe roimh chead pleanála a bheith faighte d’Ionad Foghlama nua i gcroílár an champais. Foirgneamh spreagúil nua, inbhuanaithe, nua-aimseartha, aitheanta atá beartaithe agus beidh leabharlann na todhchaí lonnaithe ann. Tiocfaidh Ionad Foghlama Ollscoil na Gaillimhe in áit na Leabharlainne atá ann faoi láthair agus is spás foghlama agus cruthaitheachta nua ardteicneolaíochta a bheidh ann dírithe ar rochtain a sholáthar ar leabhair, ar fhaisnéis agus ar na teicneolaíochtaí foghlama is déanaí do theagasc agus d’fhoghlaim na mac léinn, don taighde agus don fhoireann. Seo mar a labhair Uachtarán Ollscoil na Gaillimhe, an tOllamh Ciarán Ó hÓgartaigh: “Is iad na luachanna meas, oscailteacht, barr feabhais agus inbhuanaitheacht bunchloch phlean straitéiseach Ollscoil na Gaillimhe. Tá leabharlanna lárnach i saol agus i bhfoghlaim na n-ollscoileanna, agus beidh ár leabharlann nua ina ‘lárlann’ i saol nithiúil agus coincheapúil na hollscoile, léiriú ar ár luachanna ar mhaithe le leas an phobail. “Tá lúcháir orainn go bhfuil cead pleanála faighte againn d’fhorbairt a bheidh ina lárionad den scoth dár mic léinn, dár bhfoireann agus dár gcuairteoirí.  “Is mian linn a bheith inár gcomharsana maithe agus is eiseamláir rannpháirtíochta é leibhéal agus caighdeán na pleanála agus na rannpháirtíochta atá curtha isteach san Ionad Foghlama seo. Tá moladh mór ag dul dár gcomhghleacaithe a stiúir é, agus as an mbealach ar oibrigh siad le sainchomhairleoirí, chomh maith le páirtithe leasmhara inár n-ollscoil agus inár bpobal níos leithne. Táimid buíoch freisin de lucht pleanála Chomhairle Cathrach na Gaillimhe as oibriú linn lenár bhfís a thabhairt chuig an bpointe seo.” Tógadh Leabharlann reatha Ollscoil na Gaillimhe in 1973 agus tá sí i gcroílár Áras Uí Argadáin i lár an Champais Theas. Rinneadh an athfhorbairt mhór is déanaí ar an Leabharlann in 1999. Beidh an tIonad Foghlama nua lonnaithe in aice le Bóthar na Drioglainne, díreach ó dheas d’Ionad Spóirt na hOllscoile. Bhí an méid seo a leanas le rá ag John Cox, Leabharlannaí na hOllscoile: “Is í an fhís atá ann don Ionad Foghlama ná forbairt pobail agus rannpháirtíocht chomhoibríoch sna disciplíní ar fad. Déanann an plean seo acmhainní teicneolaíochta agus intleachtúla a uasmhéadú chun aghaidh a thabhairt ar dhúshláin a sháraíonn acmhainn aon disciplín ar leith, mar shampla athrú aeráide, inbhuanaitheacht agus rialú galair, dúshláin atá lárnach do Spriocanna Forbartha Inbhuanaithe na Náisiún Aontaithe.” Dúirt Niamh Burke, Stiúrthóir RKD Architects: “D’oibríomar go dlúth leis an Ollscoil chun an ailtireacht chathartha seo a chruthú a shuíonn go compordach i suíomh uathúil an champais ar thírdhreach tábhachtach cathrach. Tá an foirgneamh simplí ó thaobh crutha de, agus tá laindéar gloine cruthaithe aige i dtreo na habhann ionas go seasfaidh an tIonad amach. Taobh istigh, tá na spásanna staidéir deartha chun an leas is fearr a bhaint as na radharcanna iontacha amach ar an abhainn agus ar an mbaile mór.” Is foirgneamh é an tIonad Foghlama, a dhear RKD Architects, a bhfuil idir ceithre agus sé stór ann. Tá spás staidéir ann, lena n-áirítear limistéir chiúin, aonair agus chomhoibríocha; spásanna le haghaidh taispeántais; cruthaitheacht dhigiteach; Cúinne na Cruthaitheachta, ionad don léann digiteach; spásanna do thaighde/staidéar iarchéime, teagasc agus imeachtaí, rannpháirtíocht phobail agus limistéar fáilte, deasc chabhrach, bailiúcháin, próiseáil leabhar; Bookbot; folláine na mac léinn lena n-áirítear spásanna céadfacha, scíthe agus lasmuigh. Críoch

Wednesday, 2 August 2023

University of Galway has warmly welcomed planning approval for a new Learning Commons at the heart of its city campus.  The proposed development will create an exciting new, sustainable, modern, iconic building which will be home to the library of the future.  University of Galway’s Learning Commons will replace the existing Library and offer a new, high-tech space of learning and creativity with a focus on providing access to books, information and the latest learning technologies for student teaching and learning, for research and for staff. President of University of Galway, Professor Ciarán Ó hÓgartaigh, said: “Values are the bedrock of University of Galway’s strategic plan – openness, excellence, respect, sustainability. Libraries are central to the life of, and learning in universities, and our new leabharlann will be a ‘lárlann’ in the concrete and conceptual life of our university, a manifestation of our values for the public good.   “We are delighted that we have secured planning permission for a development that will be a new, state-of-the-art, focal point for our students, staff and visitors.  “We wish to be good neighbours and the level and standard of planning and engagement that has gone into our proposal for a new Learning Commons is a model of engagement. Enormous credit goes to our colleagues who have led and driven it, and for the manner in which they have worked with consultants, as well as stakeholders in our university and in our wider community. We are also grateful to the planners in Galway City Council for working with us in bringing our vision to this stage of its fruition.” University of Galway’s current Library was constructed in 1973 and sits at the heart of the Hardiman Building in the centre of the South Campus. The most recent major redevelopment in the Library took place in 1999. The proposed new Learning Commons development will be located off Distillery Road, immediately south of the University’s Sports Centre. John Cox, University of Galway Librarian, said: “The vision for the Learning Commons is for community building and collaborative engagement across disciplines. This ambition maximises technological and intellectual resources in order to address challenges which exceed the capacity of any one discipline, for example climate change, sustainability and disease control, challenges which are central to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.” Niamh Burke, Director with RKD Architects, said: “We have worked closely with the University to create a piece of civic architecture that sits comfortably within the unique campus setting along an important city vista. The form is simple in its massing, with the creation of a glass lantern to the river Corrib, signalling the building’s presence. Internally the study spaces are designed to optimise the impressive views out to the Corrib and wider city context.”  The Learning Commons, designed by RKD Architects, is a building ranging in height from four to six storeys with study space, including quiet, individual and collaborative areas; spaces for exhibitions; digital creativity; Makerspace, digital scholarship centre; areas dedicated to research/postgraduate study, teaching and events, community engagement and welcome zone, helpdesk, collections, book processing; Bookbot; student wellbeing including sensory, relaxation and outdoor spaces. Ends 

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