Biomedical Science is the study of Life Science subjects related to human health and disease. Students will learn about the structure and function of the human body from the level of organs and tissues to the molecular level, as well as how drugs are used to treat disease. You will major in one of the following biomedical science subjects: Anatomy, Biochemistry, Pharmacology or Physiology.

Why should I study Biomedical Science?

The BSc Biomedical Science degree is dedicated to producing top quality graduates who have achieved academic excellence. The programme promotes small-group learning throughout the course. This informal interaction with academic staff allows students to get to know their lecturers and helps promote a range of skills such as Communication, Leadership, Teamwork and Creativity. This course also offers the opportunity to undertake a research project in both third and fourth year .

 Why should I study Physiology as part of the BSc in Biomedical Science?

Physiology is the science of how the body works - how cells function alone and within specific organs, and how these organs work together to establish biological systems and how these systems integrate and communicate to maintain normal body function. As such patho-physiology is the study of when these physiological processes go wrong, and is the cause of most human disease states. Physiology is a core module in the Biomedical sciences programme and so if you are interested in a a professional career in human health, patient care or biomedical research then studying Physiology as part of the BSc in Biomedical Sciences could be the course for you.

For further information on the course overview and outline click here