The undergraduate medical programme delivers a systems based curriculum which is horizontally and vertically integrated. Individual credit-bearing modules cover learning outcomes relevant to the scientific basis of medicine, patient assessment and clinical management. Undergraduate medical degree students will undertake modules in Physiology in Foundation year, 1st and 2nd  year of their degree. These modules will provide students with the background knowledge on how the body works both in health and disease, such that students can build on this knowledge when they enter a clinical setting.

For further information on studying Medicine at NUI Galway see below and click here 


  The Department of Medicine is committed to promoting excellence in teaching, thus enabling us to produce competent and confident medical graduates who will take responsibility for their continued professional development.

To achieve this aim the Department will:

  • Define Learning Outcomes for call courses and distinct teaching units.
  • Refine the core medical curriculum on the desired learning outcomes.
  • Develop appropriate supplementary special study modules (SSMs).
  • Design appropriate assessments of knowledge, skills and attitudes.
  • Ensure formative assessment and feedback to students in all modules on a regular basis.
  • Integrate medicine vertically and horizontally within the medical curriculum.
  • Encourage peer-review of teaching.
  • Promote student evaluation or feedback of medical course to include clinical placements.
  • Develop interactive computer assisted teaching aids.
  • Improve collaboration with affiliated hospitals through the promotion of clinical tutor posts.
  • Identify and support medical students requiring remedial or other help through a pastoral care service.
  • Increase the number of postgraduate courses e.g.Postgraduate Diploma in Diabetes Care for Primary Care Providers, and Diploma and Higher Diploma in Clinical Teaching with the Department of General Practice.

Undergraduate Medical Programme (MB Bch BAO).

 The aim of the MB Bch BAO course is to educate students in the principles and practice’s of Medicine and to provide them with the ability to continue learning beyond graduation. The course uses a number of teaching methods to include lectures, tutorials, Presentations, Projects, Case studies, Ward rounds, Out patient clinics and periods of self directed learning. Summative assessment methods include written exams, oral exams, clinical exams and continuous assessment the latter accounting for 25%. A system of formative assessment has recently been introduced for the final year students. 

For more information click here